First steps

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Kol's pov

Me and Davina were cleaning around the house as her mom, aunt, my sister and Caroline are coming over to a girls night as her parents are getting married in two days. They're staying here for tonight and then tomorrow they're staying at this posh hotel where the wedding is being held in fact we're all staying at the hotel Davina's mom and dad paid for everyone's rooms.

Neveah was in the living room sat in her baby walker watching TV "so what exactly are you, your mom and the girls going to do tonight?" I ask as I help Davina fold some clean clothes that just came out of the dryer. "I don't know have a bit of wine, do some karaoke, watch a romcom movie and paint each others toe nails" she says with a shrug "mama! Dada!" Neveah squeals we both turn to see her in the kitchen doorway sat in her baby walker with a huge smile on her face. "Hi sweetie what are you doing?" Davina coos looking at her with her hands on her hips "bababa mama" Neveah babbles bouncing in her baby walker making us both laugh "oh my little girl is adorable" I coo walking over to her and picking her up making her squeal in delight which just warms my heart. I place a kiss on her forehead and she coos in response fisting the collar of my shirt in her hands.

I place Neveah on the floor knowing she won't go anywhere or do anything she shouldn't because she's a well behaved girl just like her mother well unless someone tries to tell her what to do or control her like her uncle is trying to do. Yeah Damon remerged in her life last month after Neveah's birthday he bought a birthday present for her which she doesn't like and ever since he's been turning up unexpectedly and trying to raise points to Davina on how I am bad for her and Neveah, how she's better off without me, how I can't give her the life she deserves and how one day she's going to wake up and regret being with me and having a child with me to which Davina slapped him across the face and Neveah tossed her rattle at his face because he said that in front of her and she didn't appreciate it.

"Mama" Neveah says looking up at her mother with her big beautiful blue eyes which are identical to her mother's. Davina looks down at our little girl and smiles "what is it sweetie?" She asks Neveah brings her hands up and signs that she wants a drink making us both look at her in pride. She's such a clever child since she can't say much apart from mama and dada Davina started teaching her some sign language which she was quick at learning and understanding so now whenever Neveah wants something and can't say it she signs it. "You want a drink?" Davina asks just to be sure Neveah nods clasping her hands together in her lap "okay one drink for one very adorable little girl coming up" Davina says making Neveah smile. I get back to folding the clean clothes while Davina makes Neveah a drink of juice since she doesn't really drink Davina's milk anymore as we've been slowly getting her off it but she still has one bottle of Davina's milk which she has before bed.

"Here you go sweetie" Davina says handing Neveah her bottle of juice which she quickly starts drinking. "Slow down baby girl you'll give yourself the hic ups" I say chuckling as she narrows her eyes at me as she drinks slowly. 'Ding dong' the doorbell rings "I'll get it" I say putting down the shirt I was holding and exiting the kitchen to go answer the door. "Hello" I say as I open the door to find my sister and Caroline on the doorstep "brother" Rebekah greets before barging past me and walking into the house "make yourself at home why don't you" I say sarcastically rolling my eyes "sorry but I want to see my niece" Rebekah says before strolling into the kitchen. I turn back to Caroline who is still stood on the doorstep "come in" I say stepping aside "thank you" she says "just follow where Rebekah went" I say closing the door. As I enter the kitchen I find Davina, Rebekah and Caroline sat at the kitchen table talking away while my sister has Neveah sat in her lap who is still drinking her juice. "So I can't believe Stefan's getting married I always thought he'd be with Elena forever" Caroline says "well Stefan's a lot happier with Davina's mom he actually smiles" Rebekah comments "you guys I have a bad feeling about Elena" Davina says "what do you mean?" Caroline asks "it's just Elena has a thing for my dad even if she is dating my uncle now who she apparently loves but I can't help but think she'll try to crash the wedding and steal my dad from my mom" Davina explains Rebekah pats her on the shoulder "don't worry she won't try anything we'll make sure of it" she says "yeah besides I've seen how your dad is with your mom and he definitely wasn't like that with Elena he was a miserable grouch your dad loves your mom" Caroline assures her Davina smiles. "Well if you girls go in the living room with Neveah me and Kol need to put these clean clothes away" Davina says patting the pile of folded clean clothes next to her on the table "okay come on sweet pea let's go play" Rebekah coos to Neveah who just smiles at her aunt as she stands up and exits the kitchen. Caroline follows after her leaving me and Davina to sort out the clean washing, me and Davina grab some piles of clothes and head upstairs to put the clothes away.

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