My fault

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Kol's pov

I arrive outside the Salvatore's house, I hide when I notice Damon rushing out the door, I watch as he gets in his car and drives off I wonder where he's going? I shake the question from my mind as I step out from behind the tree I was hiding behind and I vamp speeds over to Davina's window but I frown when I realise she's not in her room, prehaps she's downstairs I thought as I climb into her room but as I take in the state of the room I realise something's up, Davina's draws are open slightly and her closet doors are wide open, my heart starts hammering in my chest when I notice the lack of clothes in her draws and closet, I start rummaging around the room and find a few things missing, what the bloody hell is going on? Where is Davina? I decide to sneak downstairs to see if she's down there but I'm left disappointed when I find she's not there but I do happen to find a certain trouble making doppelganger, Elena Gilbert I quietly stalk over to her from behind but I stop when she pulls out her phone so I hide in the kitchen and listen as she talks to the person on the other side

(Phone call)

Elena: (sniffles) Bonnie somethings happened

Bonnie: what is it Elena? Has Klaus done something else or is it Stefan?

Elena: it's not about them it's about Davina

My ears perked up at the name, what's wrong with Davina? I stay silent and continue to listen in on their conversation

Bonnie: is Davina okay? I heard about what happened at the school I think it's awful

Elena: she's gone

Bonnie: gone what do you mean she's gone?

Elena: Davina's left Mystic falls

Just like that my heart falls out of my chest, Davina's left Mystic falls

Bonnie: why did she leave?

Elena: I think you can guess why but she said something about not being able to control her powers Bonnie she thinks she's a danger to everyone

Bonnie: we need to find her now if she can't control her magic then she needs help urgently and I can help her but I can't if she's not here

Elena: can't you do a locator spell?

Bonnie: I can try but I have a very good feeling she's cloaked herself

Elena: just try and we'll go from there I'm coming over to yours now

Bonnie: okay I'll see you in 10

Elena: bye Bonnie

(Elena hangs up)

I watch as Elena leaves and I wait a few minutes before coming out the kitchen and I head into the living room where she was just standing and I immediately spot a piece of paper on the table, I pick it up out of curiosity and I read it, each letter, each sentence makes my heart shatter more as I read, once I've read it I stumble on to my knees not caring that I was in an enemy zone, my girl is gone she left because of me it's all my fault, I'm such an idoit how could I let this happen? Maybe if I had followed her when she ran off I could've made her stay but I didn't and now she's out there all alone with that in mind I get up from the floor and I vamp speed out the house and to my house, I head straight to my room pulling out a duffle bag, I shove some clothes in it along with Davina's necklace as I intend to give it back to her once I find her, I'm going after Davina I'm going to bring her back and I won't come back until I find her that is a promise, I have to make things right, I need to get her back I want my girl back so much and it kills me knowing she's out there all alone and vulnerable, she needs protecting and I will be the one to protect her even if it kills me.

Sorry it was short but the next chapter should be longer. Doesn't your heart just break for Kol? Spoiler alert there's a new character arriving in the next chapter. Stay tuned for more

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