Road trip

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This chapter will show a vulnerable side to Davina and if you think she's acting childish just remember she was alone for ten years so she has abandonment issues. Enjoy

Kol's pov

I stroke Davina's back as I watch her sleep peacefully in my arms, I woke up three hours ago and haven't moved since too engrossed in the beautiful girl in my arms, I lean down to kiss her back making her sigh in her sleep which brings a smile to my face. I'm so happy that I've got her back, on my way here I was afraid my plan of winning her back would backfire but it didn't she forgave me and took me back, I won't ever take her for granted again and I won't ever betray her or hurt her. I lift my head up when I hear the tv turn on downstairs but I pay no attention to it as I know it's just her aunt, her aunt had returned home a few minutes after Davina fell asleep she took one look in the room and smiled giving me a thumbs up happy that everything was okay then she went to bed. "Hmm" Davina sighs as she stirs starting to wake up I start peppering kisses on her back and shoulder in a gentle manner "morning beautiful" I say as she turns in my arms and looks me in the eyes as she slowly opens her eyes "morning" she whispers bringing a hand up to my face stroking my cheek with her thumb "did you have a nice sleep darling?" I ask pulling us both up so we're now sat up in bed "the best sleep I've had in two weeks" she says leaning her head on my shoulder "yeah your aunt told me about that why haven't you been sleeping well?" I ask concerned "I had too much on my mind all I could think about was everyone I cared about in Mystic falls including you and I could never get comfortable" she says "well it's important you catch up on your sleep on our way back to Mystic falls" I ask she turns her head to look at me "do we have to head back today I don't think I'm ready to see everyone yet and I don't want to leave my aunt alone not when I just found her" she says sadly I think for a second before coming up with an idea "we don't have to go back right away we can have a little road trip before we go back" I say "that doesn't sound too bad but what about my aunt?" She asks "we can talk to her and see if she'll move to Mystic falls when we finally do go back" I say "okay" she says leaning her head back on my shoulder "oh I just remembered" I say moving away and grabbing my jeans from the floor "remembered what?" Davina asks curiously as I slip my hand into the pocket of my jeans grabbing the item and pulling it out "I think this belongs to you" I say to her holding the necklace in my hand "every word I spoke when I gave you this necklace was true you make me happy more than words could describe and my feelings are genuine as you very well know now" I say she smiles "put it on me" she says "it would be my pleasure" I say with that she turns around her back facing me, I put the necklace around her neck and clip it on, I place a kiss on the back of her neck once it's on, she hums happily and leans back against my chest so I place a few more kisses on her neck "Davina" her aunt calls out from behind the door "yes aunt Josie" Davina says "breakfast is ready if you're hungry" she says Davina sits up straight with a big smile on her face "food" she says getting out of bed and putting on my shirt she had been wearing last night, I love that she wore my shirt while we were broken up it meant she missed me and still loved me even though I had hurt her "I take it you're hungry" I say as she slips on a pair of shorts she turns to look at me with a shy grin on her face "oh you have no idea" she says before skipping out the room making me chuckle, she's so bloody cute.

I eventually head downstairs after getting dressed and packing Davina's things for our road trip, I sit next to Davina who is practically scoffing down pancakes, I chuckle at her making her stop eating and she looks at me narrowing her eyes "what's so funny?" She asks I shake my head at her "nothing you're just too cute" I say kissing her cheek making her blush, her aunt walks over to us "we three need to discuss what's your plan as you really need to get home Davina" she says seriously "don't I will go back to Mystic falls but not just yet me and Kol are going on a road trip before we head back to give me time" she says her aunt nods "very well as long as you remain safe" she replies "with me around she will always he safe" I say "I don't doubt that but just be on the look out my mother is out there somewhere and she cannot know about Davina otherwise she will be in danger" her aunt says "your mother won't get anywhere near her I'll rip out her heart and dump her body in the river if she even tries" I say honestly nobody will ever hurt Davina I will always make sure of it "I like your thinking but just be careful she's sneaky" her aunt says "well she's not the only one I'm quite sneaky myself and I'm very alert so she won't best me if ever does find out about Davina" I say her aunt smiles at me "good" she says "oh aunt Josie" Davina says "yes" her aunt replies "I was wondering if you would move to Mystic Falls" she says "I don't know" her aunt says "please you're my aunt you're the only connection I have to my mother I don't want to leave you when I've only just found you I need you there if things go wrong between my dad or uncle" Davina says her aunt looks at her sadly "I'm sure everything will be fine once you get back" her aunt says Davina starts getting teary eyed "why won't you come back with me? Is it that you don't want anything to do with me" Davina asks her aunt's eyes widen "no of course not you're my niece and I love you" her aunt says going to place a hand on her shoulder to comfort her but Davina moves away "for ten years I was alone with no family because of some physcopathic bitch all I ever wanted was a family my dad, my uncle, my mom but I knew it was impossible to have my mom because she was dead but I still had my dad and uncle out there somewhere but I didn't know where they were every night I cried to be with my family then one day luck on was my side and I discovered my family had been searching for me so I went and I reunited with them and I was so happy but something was missing my mom the mom I never knew because she was taken from me and then I found you my aunt my mom's sister I had a new family member and I was so happy because meeting you made me feel closer to the mom I never knew" she says tears strolling down her face, I pull her into my arms soothing her I hate it when she cries "Davina I'm so sorry I never knew you felt that way" her aunt says stunned "I didn't want to burden you" she says her aunt pulls her away and hugs her "you could never be a burden to me you're my niece and I will ways be there for you" her aunt says "please move to Mystic falls I really need all the family I can get I don't want to feel alone again" Davina sniffles "you'll never feel alone again I promise you" her aunt says pulling away "so will you come back with me?" Davina asks "give me a few months to sort things out then I'll be down there like a flash" her aunt says wiping Davina's tears away, Davina smiles and hugs her making her aunt chuckle.

A few hours later

I had placed Davina's suitcase in my room as we were getting ready to set off on our road trip, we haven't decided where we're going yet as my mind has been elsewhere Davina suddenly turned ill an hour ago and was puking in the bathroom she said it was down to stress so I told her to go lie down and have a nap. Her aunt had been called in to work a few hours ago leaving me and Davina alone, I told her aunt we might have left by the time she gets back just so she doesn't panic when she comes home to an empty apartment. "Kol are you nearly done packing we should probably getting going if we want to stop at a hotel before dark" Davina says from the kitchen I frown as I wasn't aware she was awake so I head to the kitchen and find her eating bread sticks "hey I didn't know you were awake" I say leaning against the kitchen doorframe "sorry I got a bit peckish so I woke up" she says "it's fine" I say "so when are we leaving?" She asks "I'm ready to go when you are" I say she nods grabbing the box of bread sticks and putting them away in a cupboard "alright let's go" she says I nod and lead her out the apartment "you have your aunt's spare key right?" I ask once we're stood outside "yeah I got it" she says pulling out the key and putting it in the keyhole, she twists and turns it until we hear a click sound indicating it's locked "off to my car we go" I say "wait what are we going to do about my dad's car he'll kill me if he doesn't get it back" she says "don't worry love I have it all sorted" I say she left out a sigh of relief in response "you're always one step ahead" she says "it's a good thing you always have to be prepared" I say as we get to my car, I open the passenger door for her and close it once she's in then I vamp speed to the driver's side and get in, I turn on the ignition and drive off heading south.

I apologise if this chapter feels rushed, I've been very busy but the next chapter will be better. Stay tuned for more

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