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So there will be a slight time skip in this chapter but only by two months. Picture of how Neveah looks is above.

Two months later

Kol's pov

It's been two months since Davina was taken by Alaric and was beaten and almost raped by Finn and a few things have happened. Alaric was depowerd but he's still a vampire he's just not crazy or out to kill us, my good for nothing brother Finn is still daggered which I'm beyond pissed off about because he deserves worse for what he did and as for Davina she is a lot better now. A few weeks after the whole kidnapping incident she was very quiet and stayed in our room most of the time and was a little distant with me and wouldn't let me touch her for more than 10 seconds which hurt because all I wanted to do is hold her and comfort her but the only person that could give her comfort was Neveah.

I'm so glad Davina is back to her normal self again now and is no longer being distant with me or the others it makes me happy to see her smile and laugh again.

As for Neveah she's now four months old and is more perfect than ever, she babbles a lot now and is awake more which is great because we get to spend more time with her and she also has a bit more hair now and her eyes are a beautiful piercing blue colour just like her mother's they used to be brown like mine but they changed colour. "Kol" Davina says as she enters the room with Neveah in her arms "hey what's up love?" I ask as I fold some of Neveah's clean clothes that just came out of the dryer. "I was thinking maybe we could go out for a bit today just us and Neveah" she suggests walking over to me "I like the sound of that let's do it" I say with a smile as I lean down and give her a light kiss on the lips "ehh!" Neveah squeals gently slapping my cheek causing me to chuckle "oi baby what was that for?" I coo tickling her chin causing her to giggle which just warms my heart. "I guess someone doesn't like seeing her parents kiss" Davina says with a smile "well tough my little love you're just gonna have to put up with it because I like kissing your mommy" I coo with a smile as my eyes lock with Neveah's just as a little grin appears on her face "she has your grin" Davina points out with a giggle "now that's scary" a voice says from the doorway we turn to see Rebekah standing there.

"What do you want Rebekah?" I ask "just wondering how things are" she says walking into the room "everything's fine" I say "are you feeling better Davina?" My sister asks "much better" Davina replies "good so are you up for some shopping today?" She asks "sorry I have plans for us to go out today" Davina replies motioning to me, Neveah and herself. "Oh great I'll come too" Rebekah says "no!" I say a little bit louder than I intended "why?" She asks annoyed "because me and Davina want some time out of the house with Neveah for a little bit as a family" I say "I'm family" she says I roll my eyes in annoyance "I know but me and Davina have our own family and that's Neveah we want to get out more and do more family activities together just the three of us" I explain "why can't we all do family activities together?" Rebekah asks "sometimes parents like to spend quality time with their child without the rest of the family" I explain rolling my eyes as Rebekah glares at me. "Well when are you free to go shopping?" Rebekah asks changing the subject and looking at Davina "tomorrow should be fine" Davina says "great bring Neveah with you we'll buy that sweet girl some pretty dresses" she says before vamp speeding away.

An hour later

Davina is sat on our bed breast feeding Neveah "hey darling?" I ask emerging from the bathroom after taking a shower "yes" she replies "I was wondering are you okay with the current living arrangement?" I ask curiously "yeah why? Is there a problem?" She asks worried "no it's just sometimes I feel like my siblings are intruding or that this house isn't particularly safe with Finn daggered here" I say Davina flinches at his name. "Don't speak of him" she says closing her eyes trying to rid the memories that try to plague her mind "I apologize love I didn't mean to upset you" I say. "You didn't I just can't stand hearing his name" she says I nod in understanding "it's okay anyway as I was saying I feel like my siblings are being too nosey with our lives I get they care about us and they love seeing Neveah but have you noticed how they look at me everytime I hold her they look at me like they're expecting me to drop her or hurt her and it annoys the hell out of me" I explain sitting next to Davina as she pulls up her top after Neveah stops feeding. "Talk to them about it" she says "I can't do that they won't listen or Elijah will give me this big ass lecture on why they need to do it" I say "first off language there's a baby present and second ignore them you're an amazing father and if they don't see that then they're just ignorant" Davina says I smile placing a hand on her leg.

"What would you say if I said I wanted us to move out and get our own place?" I ask "I'd say let's do it because as much as I do love living here I'd like for us to have our own place just the three of us" she replies "then let's do it let's move out" I say "we can't just yet" she says causing me to frown. "Why not?" I ask "there's still some drama going on and I don't want to get our own place in the midst of it all going on let's wait until things have calmed down" she says "okay I'm fine with that but we can start looking at places right?" I ask with a smile "of course" she says leaning in and pressing her lips against mine. "Eehh!" Neveah squeals gently patting my cheek so I gently grab her hand and smother it in kisses causing her to burst into a fit of giggles which makes me and Davina both smile "oh you are so cute" I coo tapping her nose. "Just like your daddy" Davina says "pssh I'm not cute I'm sexy" I say scoffing playfully "yeah sure" she says with a giggle as I flex my arm at her showing off my muscles through the shirt I'm wearing "you know I'm sexy don't deny it" I say with a wink causing her to blush "god you're so cocky" she says "yes I am" I say wiggling my eyebrows at her causing her to scoff and swat at my arm playfully "hey that wasn't nice" I say with a pout "oh shush" Davina giggles getting up from the bed with Neveah and heading to the door leaving me with nothing but my thoughts as I watch Davina walk out the room as she sways her hips teasingly damn I love that woman.

What did you think? Was it good? Don't you just love the little moments with Kol and Davina and their daughter? Should Kol and Davina move out? What will his siblings think? What drama still lurks in their lives? What will happen next? Stay tuned

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