Betrayal part 2

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Here's part 2 I hope you like it, a picture of Davina's mum is above.

Kol's pov

Me and my brothers arrive at our mansion and find our mother stood in the middle of a circle, I look around and don't see Finn "my children you have arrived" Esther says "where's Finn what has he done with my girlfriend?" I question her demandingly Esther doesn't answer me "time for you to die" she says "whatever you have in mind with this killing your own children will be atrocious" Elijah says "my mistake was not letting you die a thousand years ago and tonight I will right my wrong but first Davina must die" she says I growl and go to vamp speed to her but I'm stopped when fire surrounds her, my heart drops when Finn appears in the circle holding Davina against him who is crying and trying to get out of his grip "no please don't hurt her" I say pleadingly the devil I call mother roughly grabs her from Finn making Davina yell in pain "let her go" Elijah says "this girl is an abomination she should've never been born" Esther says taking out a knife from her pocket my eyes widen in panic "how is she an abomination mother?" Nik asks stepping forward "she is the product of a witch and a vampire it's against nature vampires aren't supposed to have children I made it so vampires wouldn't reproduce but somehow this girl happened she must die and your child too" she sneers at us "no not my baby!" Davina yells trying to get out of Esther's grip "shut up girl!" Esther says grabbing her face and squeezing it hard "I'm going to rip your head off!" I growl at Esther "you won't because you'll be dead" she says yanking Davina's hair so her head is tilted back I watch in horror as she raises the knife "no" I say pacing "release the girl bitch!" A woman yells from behind us, hang on I know that voice I turn around and see Josie standing there "who are you!?" Esther asks as Josie walks up to where me and my brothers are "I'm her aunt bitch now let her go otherwise I will cause you pain" Josie retorts Esther laughs "you can't hurt me I'm the most powerful witch nobody can defeat me" she says "think again bitch witch my niece is more powerful than you and so will that baby" Josie says Esther laughs again shaking her "not anymore she's not once I kill her and the devil spawn growing inside her" she says "you really are crazy I feel sorry for your children having a mother like you" Josie says clenching her fists "she reminds me of our mother" someone says being us I look back and see a woman with short brown hair standing there wearing a leather jacket, a black tank top, blue jeans and healed boots "now who the hell are you?" Esther asks annoyed that she's been interrupted "I'm Marnie Claire Davina's mother bitch" the woman says walking over to Josie "no that can't be true her mother is dead" Esther says "true I was dead but now I'm alive again to protect my daughter and grandchild from you" Marnie says raising her arm up and flicking her hand up making Esther drop the knife and loosen her hold on Davina who tries to get away but is grabbed by Esther again "you will not stop me I have the power of the Bennett witches on my side along with their ancestors I'm too strong for you" Esther brags "Kol" Davina says looking at me my heart breaks as I can't get to her "it's alright love you're not going to die" I say  "he's right I won't let her hurt you sweetheart" Marnie says then she and Josie raise their arms and start chanting "the thing is Esther no matter how many witches you have on your side whether they are dead or alive nothing can defeat the power of a mother's love for her child" Marnie says as she and Josie step through the fire without getting burned Esther looks at them stunned "that's something you'll never know despite claiming you love your children our mother claimed to love us too and look what she did she sacrificed her own daughter for power people like you make us sick" Josie says before chanting again we watch as Esther screams in pain Finn goes to attack Josie but Marnie flicks her wrist making him go flying through the air and he lands in front of us I grin evilly as he looks up at me "hello big brother goodbye big brother" I say before booting him in the face making him groan I boot him again but in the stomach, I grab him and start punching him in the face over and over again "how dare you take my girl and put her and my unborn child in danger I hate you!" I yell continuing to punch him I'm suddenly pulled off him by Elijah "Kol enough now's not the time we need to get Davina out of here" he says "I'll take care of Finn" Nik says grabbing Finn by the foot and dragging him away, I look to where Esther is the fire circle has disappeared signifying the connection with the dead Bennett witches is severed Marnie and Josie are killing Esther blood is pouring out of her eyes and mouth, her skin has gone pale I can't help but smirk as she starts coughing up blood she deserves to suffer for what trying to kill my girl and unborn child, I look to where Davina is and see she's standing there in shock I vamp speed over to her and gently pull her into my arms "darling it's okay" I say stroking her back to comfort her as her body shakes violently "Kol" she cries faintly slightly gripping into my shirt but she let's go as she passes out in my arms, I gently sweep her up into my arms bridle style, I look back at her mother and aunt who are now burning my mother's body "hey I'm going to take her inside" I say they stop and look at me "okay we'll be inside in a minute after we've finished up here" Marnie says before continuing to burn my mother's body, I vamp speed into the house and up to my room I gently put her in my bed tucking her in so she's comfortable, I sit beside her stroking her cheek "I'm so sorry love" I whisper tearing up as the events of today catch up to me, my mother tried to kill her and my unborn child just because of their parentage, I swore I'd never let anything happen to her or our child but I've failed I'm just glad mother's plans were sabotaged and she's still alive but I'm worried that the stress will make her ill and affect our baby, oh god the baby my eyes widen in fear I focus on her stomach blocking out the sound of her heartbeat, I start to panic when I hear nothing but suddenly 'thump' 'thump' fills my ears easing my worries oh thank god our child's okay "thank you" I sigh in relief placing a hand on Davina's stomach, I will do a better job at protecting them I will not fail them again "I love you and our baby so much I'm so sorry for failing you both tonight but I promise I will do better" I say before leaning down to gently kiss her forehead then I get up from the bed and exit the bedroom leaving the door open slightly before heading downstairs to see what's going to happen to Finn, that bloody traitor I know we've never got along but I never thought he would try to hurt the girl I love or my unborn child, Finn has never hurt a child before but he started with mine, my innocent little baby who hasn't even been born yet he tried to take my girl and unborn child away from me with the help of Esther but it's a good thing she's dead and I hope she stays dead.

What did you think? Esther is dead and Kol beat up Finn, if you're wondering Marnie and Josie severed the connection with the dead Bennett witches themselves but Stefan and Damon did help a bit but you will see in the next chapter. Stay tuned for more

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