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Warning it's going to get very violent and sad in this chapter

Kol's pov

I remain in the hallway still holding Davina in my arms, I haven't stopped crying I can't seem to stop. Never have I ever experienced such pain like this, watching that knife fatally embed it's self in her chest piercing her heart and watching her fall and become lifeless within seconds struck my heart and split it in two. I didn't know it would ever hurt this much to lose the love of your life because I never had love before. I didn't know what love was, I didn't care to search for it nor did I ever find myself falling for anyone until Davina came along. She was the first girl I ever loved and will ever love, I won't be able to love another after her. I couldn't possibly love again, my heart and soul was reserved solely for Davina. 

I must've sat like this for about half an hour when I heard the front door slam open and foot steps running up the stairs. I don't look up as I hear a load of gasps "Kol?" Rebekah says in a choked voice. I look up at her sniffling as a tear rolls down my cheek "s-she's dead" I say closing my eyes and holding Davina even closer to me as more tears start coming. "Why are you here anyway?" I ask my siblings glance at each other "we heard your cry" Elijah says sympathetically as he and Nik approach me. "What the bloody hell happened?" Nik asks glancing at the dead witches "Davina's grandmother happened she wanted to kill Davina she saw her as an abomination and because she wanted Marnie and Stefan to suffer" I explain "what of these lot?" Rebekah asks pointing to the four witches that were lying in a puddle of blood "they were back up for her grandmother but Davina killed them as she threatened to harm Neveah" I say my eyes widen in realization that my daughter has lost her mother. "Oh god Neveah. Her mother's dead and she doesn't even know. I don't know if I can do this" I sniffle looking down at Davina who's remain closed forever sealing her beautiful blue eyes. "My baby girl is motherless" I cry stroking Davina's face "hey brother it's going to be okay" Nik says reaching out to touch my shoulder but I just move away "it's not going to be okay! The love of my life is dead! My daughter's going to grow up without her beautiful amazing mother!" I snap hot tears streaming down my face and I don't give a damn that I'm crying in front of my siblings. "I'm going to call Marnie, Stefan and Caroline" Rebekah says pulling out her phone to give them the news of Davina's death.

"Kol maybe you should put Davina down" Elijah suggests "no I can't" I say "Kol you're covered in blood and you need to clean up" Nik says but I just shake my head "I don't care, I just don't want to leave her alone" I say they both give me a sad look. "She's not going anywhere. Me and Elijah will clean her up and put her somewhere comfortable" Nik says trying to take Davina from my arms "no you can't take her from me!" I snap "Kol we're not taking her from you just please us help you" Elijah says "you can't help me Elijah" I say "maybe we can. Just put Davina down and go take a shower" Nik says I look at him before gently putting Davina down but the second she's not in my arms I feel cold. "I can't be bothered to shower right now" I say picking her back up into my arms and heading to our bedroom.

I place Davina down on the bed as Elijah and Nik enter the room "where's Neveah?" Nik asks "she's asleep in her room" I say as I fluff a pillow before gently placing it behind Davina's head. I sit on the bed and place a kiss on her forehead "this won't be the end. I swear to you" I mutter pressing my forehead against hers. I don't pull back when I hear the front door slamming open "where is she? where's my daughter?!" I hear Stefan yell "she's upstairs" Rebekah says I hear a thud of footsteps running up the stairs but Stefan and Caroline are the first to enter followed by Marnie and Josie. I stand up and move out of the way so they can see her "my baby!" Marnie gasps rushing over to her "what happened?" Stefan asks with tears in his eyes as he watches his wife cry over his daughter "couldn't you tell by the bodies outside?" I ask he looks at me and frowns "what bodies?" he asks "there was five dead bodies out in the hallway but my siblings must be starting to dispose of them" I explain "they did this? They killed my daughter?" Marnie asks "it was your mother who killed her" I say Marnie and Stefan look shocked. "My mother but she's dead Stefan killed her" Marnie says "yeah but my mother resurrected her so she could do that" I say pointing to Davina "I should've known she wouldn't stay dead. My mother killed my daughter" Marnie cries Stefan pulls her into his arms as he too cries "I'm sorry I didn't save her in time. As I went to pull out her heart I didn't see her pulling out a knife which she launched at Davina" I say feeling ashamed that I didn't save her. "It's not your fault Kol" Marnie says just as Damon and Elena burst through the door and Damon's face drops as he spots Davina. 

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