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Davina's pov

Everything is silent as I look at Katherine "why is she here? She took me away from you" I say glaring at the brunette who is looking at me concerned and not afraid which she should be I swore to myself if I ever came across Katherine Pierce again I would show her pain for stealing me from my dad and uncle "Davina" my dad says grabbing my arm in a gentle manner "dad why is she here? Please don't tell me you're seeing her after what see she did to us" I say with tears threatening to spill "her name is Elena Gilbert she's Katherine's​ doppelganger" he explains making me frown in confusion "what?" I ask "every few hundred years a Doppelgänger is born Katherine is one and so is Elena they're from the same bloodline but very distant" he explains further "I know you might feel like you can't trust Elena because she looks like Katherine but you can trust us Elena is nothing like her if she was we wouldn't be associating with her" Uncle Damon says "if it makes you feel better Katherine is currently stuck in a tomb so she can't hurt you" dad explains I nod at them after a while and turn to look at Elena "hi I'm sorry I mistook you for Katherine" I say honestly walking over to her "it's fine I understand" she says "it will take some time for me to get use to you because you look like Katherine and I hate her for what she did to me and my dad and uncle" I say "I hate Katherine too we all do so you're not alone" she says with a genuine smile "so would anyone care to tell me what's the gossip and who is Elijah?" I ask "you better sit down while we tell you" dad says I nod and sit down

20 minutes later they've filled me on everything that's gone on the last few days about an original vampire called Elijah who's come looking for Elena for some sacrifice ritual to lift the sun and moon curse for this guy called Klaus and how they're trying to find out where Klaus is to stop him from sacrificing Elena "so you really don't know where Klaus is?" I ask "no we thought Elijah might know where he is but turns out he doesn't he apparently wants to help keep Elena safe" uncle Damon says "wow there sure is a lot of drama in this town" I say "you have no idea" Bonnie says bringing a smile to my face, I like Bonnie she's pretty cool "we know Klaus has an inner circle but we have no idea who they are but we think Klaus is close we just have to be prepared for when he strikes" dad says "have you tried a locator spell to find him?" I ask "yes but it appears Klaus has a witch on his side to cloak him" Bonnie replies "so what of Elijah? Who is he too Klaus and why would he want to help you keep Elena safe" I say "we have no idea who he is to Klaus apart from they're both original vampires and Elijah wants revenge against Klaus for killing his family" Elena explains "this Klaus guy sounds like a psychopath" I say "according to Elijah he is" uncle Damon replied "he slaughtered Katherine's entire family after she turned into a vampire to avoid being sacrificed" Elena says "so because of her Klaus is coming after you?" I ask "yes she practically lured Klaus here by turning Caroline into a vampire and having Tyler activate his werewolf curse so they could be sacrificed for the ritual" Elena responds "wow Katherine just can't help herself from ruining other people's lives if it means she gets to stay alive" I say "tell me about it" uncle Damon mutters under his breath but I hear him and from what I see dad and Caroline do too "so Klaus is already on his way here?" I ask "yeah we just don't know when he's gone arrive" dad replies "well whatever happens I can always help I am a witch" I say "it will be nice to have help from another witch trust me being the only witch in the group takes a toll on you sometimes" Bonnie replies with a smile "so what exactly are you gonna do to stop Klaus?" I ask "well Elijah said if we have a lot of power we'd have an advantage on Klaus so since we have Bonnie and now you we have to find the place where the Salem witches were executed and extract their power onto Bonnie" uncle Damon says "a lot of witches were killed in Salem a witch can only have so much power before it overwhelms you and eventually kills you" I say "we know but it's our one shot at defeating Klaus and I can handle it I will be careful" Bonnie says "as a fellow witch I can't let you do it alone so why don't we both gain that power and channel each other by doing that we'd be just as powerful than just you alone maybe more" I say "absolutely not" dad says "what why?" I ask "because it's dangerous" he replies "so it's not dangerous for Bonnie to do it but it's dangerous for me to do it?" I ask raising my left eyebrow at him while crossing my arms across my chest "you're my daughter I've just got you back and I don't want to risk losing you again" he says "dad I will be fine and even if you say no I'll still do it there's no way I'm letting Bonnie do something that dangerous alone witches need to stick together" I say looking at Bonnie who gives me a smile in return "it's a good idea Stefan two powerful witches with power from dead witches we'll be able to defeat Klaus" says Jeremy "fine but if you get hurt in the process I will tell you I told you so" he says crossing his arms much like I did moments before "that's fine with me so let's find that location shall we?" I suggest to Bonnie who nods her "I actually already know where it is but come on let's go pay a visit to those dead witches" she says standing up "I'll come with just to be nothing bad happens" uncle Damon says giving Stefan a look as if to say I've got this "well let's go then" I say heading to the door with Bonnie, uncle Damon follows close behind.

Chapter ends there's. Bonnie and Davina will form a sister type friendship as they're witches, Bonnie will feel protective over Davina. I will warn you there will be a slight time jump in upcoming chapters because I know you must be dying for Kol to appear

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