Planning a rescue

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Kol's pov

I wake up gasping to find myself on the couch in the living room with everyone surrounding me well not everyone Damon and Elena aren't here. I look to see Rebekah cradling a very upset Neavah "baby girl" I coo gently taking her from my sister and holding her to my chest as tears spring to my eyes when I recall what happened before I passed out Alaric came and took Davina.

"Caroline please explain what happened?" I ask wanting to know the full story as I sit down with Neveah cradled in my arms. "well Davina had just bathed and fed Neveah when we heard a crash from downstairs Davina handed Neveah to me and told me to hide while she investigated the crash so I did and then a few minutes later I heard Alaric's voice and Davina screaming he was asking for Neveah but she refused to tell him I heard them fighting then everything went quiet I came out a few minutes later and found Davina gone but blood was everywhere" Caroline explains her words make me even more worried. "We have to find her Alaric will kill her" I say I refuse to allow my wretched mother to get her own way I won't allow her to take away the girl I love, I won't allow her to take away my daughter's mother. "We will we're putting a plan in motion with the help of Bonnie and those spirit's she's been talking too" Elijah say "she called a few minutes ago she got through to the spirits and they told her they will sort out Esther and deal with Alaric" Caroline adds I nod "okay well let's get started and rescue Davina" I say standing up but I'm stopped by Nik. "We can't at the minute we have to wait for her parents and figure out how we're going to rescue Davina" he says I glare at him "I can't just stay here and wait while Alaric could be killing Davina right now" I say I need to get her away from Alaric as soon as possible. "I know it may be hard but this is for Davina if we jump ahead with no plan then we could put Davina in even more danger" Elijah says I let out a sigh "in the mean time focus on your daughter because you're the only parent she has right now" Nik says I roll my eyes and vamp speed upstairs with my daughter I'll rescue Davina myself I won't wait around.

1 hour later

"Waaaa!" Neveah cries hysterically as I gently bounce her in my arms in an attempt to calm her down "shhhh baby" I coo feeling my heart break when she continues to cry. She started crying half an hour ago and I've tried everything to get her to stop crying from changing her to taking her for a stroll around the house but nothing has worked. The one thing that springs to mind is she's hungry but it's not been long since Davina fed her but she is due for another feed in another hour which makes me anxious because she only drinks Davina's milk and she's not here and I don't think she's pumped any milk.

"Waaaa!" She cries soaking my shirt with her tears but I don't care "Neveah please stop crying I don't know what's wrong with you" I coo pressing my lips against her forehead. "what's with the crying?" I turn to see Stefan standing there "when did you get here?" I ask "a few minutes ago me and Marnie were talking to her friend Vincent about a way to depower Alaric" he explains "did he tell you a way?" I ask he nods "he said we'd have to reverse the spell that was placed on him by Esther which will take a lot of magic" he says "okay well we have three witches so that's a start" I say he nods. "Vincent is willing to lend a hand" he says "good" I say before turning back to Neveah and cooing at her as she's still crying "lie her down on the bed" Stefan suddenly says "what?" I ask confused "just trust me now lie her down on the bed" he says I give him a look before slowly placing Neveah on the bed "now what?" I ask "get something of Davina's and place it around her" he says I head over to the wardrobe and grab one of Davina's sweaters and her blanket which she keeps in there then I walk back to the bed and wrap Neavah up in the blanket and I place the sweater next to her and she immediately stops crying. "She stopped crying" I say in awe as she snuggles into the sweater and coos "she wants her mother she can sense somethings wrong she can sense her mother's not nearby and placing her in something with her mother's scent on calmed her" he says I tear up my baby girl just wants her mommy. "We need to get Davina back now" I say "I agree that's why Josie and Caroline will come up here and look after Neveah while me and you go rescue Davina" he says "now you're talking let's go" I say moving Neveah from the bed to her crib but leaving her wrapped up in Davina's blanket.

Josie and Caroline come upstairs because I don't want to leave Neveah alone in a room for even a second in fear she'll disappear or be taken like her mother. Me and Stefan sneak downstairs and out the door without anyone noticing only Josie and Caroline know me and Stefan are going to rescue Davina knowing we won't wait around any longer for them lot to figure out a plan to rescue Davina that's taking way too long for my liking. So me and Stefan have our own plan find out where Alaric's taken Davina and rescue her from Alaric's grasp without getting killed. Now I'm betting anything that Alaric's taken her to the high school it's so predictable but it's good because if it was somewhere unknown I'd be lost not that it would keep me from finding the place nothing could make me stop looking for Davina or keep me from her I will find her always.

So Kol and Stefan have buddied up to rescue Davina bet you waiting for that to happen this will give them some time to bond sort of. Neveah was crying for her mother which was sad I know but babies have a habit of knowing when something's wrong and I wanted to put that in there anyway stay tuned for more

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