Chapter 1

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San Francisco, the place Ashley spent the last six and a half years. She wasn't going to miss it, not at all.

Ashley was currently at the airport with Melissa and Shaun. "We're going to miss you kid" Shaun said putting the act on as he always did.

"I can't believe my baby is going all the way to Washington, the worst state there is" Melissa said.

"You were born in Washington so you're right it is the worst" Ashley said. "I'll miss your sass" Shaun said smirking.

Of course he was going to miss it. He would miss her replying to his crude comments with attitude before throwing a lamp at her.

"Now boarding flight 142" the over speaker said. "Well that's me" Ashley said with a big smile on her face.

"Let me know when you land" Melissa said. "I'll text you" Ashley said before going off without giving a hug or say goodbye.

The journey wasn't too long, it was only two hours twenty minutes roughly. Of course the time could change.

She was arriving on the Friday night while Bella was arriving on the Sunday so she'd have a full day with her father.

After the journey she got her suitcase and headed down to where Charlie was waiting for her.

The smile on her face couldn't be controlled as she saw Charlie standing there with a sign and her name.

"DAD" she half screamed as she ran over to Charlie and gave him a big hug. "I missed you so much" she whispered. "I missed you too" he said.

Charlie was quite a awkward man, though he was never awkward around his youngest daughter, she made him more open.

They break the hug and Charlie took her bag. They go to the car and it was the cop car.

"I hope you don't mind riding in here" Charlie said to her. "Of course I don't as long as I'm with you" she said smiling making him smile.

They got in the car and Charlie drove back to the house. They journey was quiet. Charlie was scared to ask her about a bruise on her neck, scared that it was from a boy due to 'fun'.

"We're home" he said as they pulled up to the house. Ashley smiled to herself as she got out of the car.

Charlie took her suitcase and they went in the house. They go in the house and Charlie took her suitcase to her old room.

"I haven't changed it since you left" he told her. "Thank you Dad it's perfect" she said smiling making Charlie smile.

He left her so he could settle in. She started to unpack when she saw a picture that made her smile. It was a picture of her and her old best friend Jacob.

She looked at the clock and saw it was 10pm. She decided to get into her pyjamas and get ready for bed.

After she was dressed for bed she went to find Charlie to tell him good night. She found him watching television.

"I'm off to bed" she said. "Good night Ash" he said making her smile. "Good night dad, sleep well" she said before she went to bed.

The next day she woke up and get dressed. She went downstairs and saw Charlie reading a newspapers.

"Morning Dad" she said smiling brightly. "Good morning" he said. Ashley made herself some cereal then sat down.

"We're going to have a guest or two soon" he said. "Yeah sure. Do I know them" I asked. "We'll have to see" he replied.

Ten minutes after Ashley finished eating there was a knock on the door. "Ash could you go answer that" Charlie said. "Sure" Ashley replied.

Ashley went to the door and opened it. Her eyes went wide as she saw Billy Black and her old best friend Jacob Black standing there.

"Jake" she said as she wrapped her arms around the boy two years younger than her. He hugged her back picking her up in the process.

"Save some for the rest of us son" Billy said. Jacob put Ashley down and she hugged Billy making the man smile.

"I sense the love" he said. "Of course Uncle Billy" Ashley replied. She loved Billy as if he was family as she did Jacob.

There was a rumour that Jacob used to have a crush on both Swan girls, but he denied it, though it was true. He liked both Bella and Ashley.

"Come in, come in" Ashley said releasing she hadn't invited them in yet. "Don't mind if we do" Billy said as the two males went in.

The four were watching American football. Ashley was watching it to. She always loved sports watching and playing.

"I bet you five bucks that the San Francisco 49ers lose" Jacob said remembering how Ashley used to love them. "You're on" she said as they shook hands.

The game went on with San Francisco 49ers losing, until the last minute when they scored the winning goal.

"Yes I win" Ashley said. Jacob pushed her slightly and she pushed him back. "Don't hate the player hate the game" Ashley said.

Charlie and Billy smiled at their two kids. They always hoped that the two would get together one day.

They stayed until 7pm, when it was 5pm Ashley cooked them all food, though there wasn't much in besides Pasta.

"We better be off" Billy said. "Come and visit okay" Ashley said to both Billy and Jacob making both smile.

"Of course we will. We'll be back soon" Billy said. Ashley hugged the two males. Jacob receiving a bigger hug than Billy.

When they went Ashley sighed. "Don't worry Bella will be here tomorrow" he said making her smile.

She was looking forward to see her half sister, even if they were near polar opposites. She still cared.

~(That's the end of Chapter 1. I'll try get another Chapter out tonight, no promises considering it's like nearly 2am. This is really difficult for me, writing in third person so they may be a few mistakes. Anyway hope you enjoyed)~

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