Chapter 14

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So many things were going through Ashley's head. The main thing was how they hell was she going to tell Charlie that she has a date, with Emmett.

"Ashy" Bella said. Ashley looked at her sister who wore a small smile. "We do this together" Bella said.

They go downstairs. "I have a date with Edward Cullen" Bella said. "I have a date with Emmett Cullen" Ashley said.

"They're too old for you" Charlie said. "We're all juniors" Ashley said. "I thought you weren't interested in any boys in town" Charlie said.

"Technically they don't live in town and it's early stages" Bella was cut off. "They're outside right now" Ashley said.

"Now? They're out there" Charlie said. "They want to meet you" Bella said. "Officially" Ashley said smiling.

"Good" Charlie said playing with his gun. "Be nice okay? They're really important to us" Ashley told him. He nodded his head with a smile.

Bella goes to the door and opens it, revealing the two boys. They walked in the house and go over to Charlie.

"Chief Swan. I wanted to formally introduce myself. I am Edward" Edward said overly formal making Ashley shake her head.

Charlie shook his hand then he looked at Emmett. "Hi I'm Emmett. It's a pleasure to meet the man responsible for the angel that is Asher" Emmett said.

A real smile was on Charlie's face. "It's a nice to meet you too" he said making Ashley smile brightly at Bella.

"We won't keep the girls out long" Edward said. "We're just going to play baseball with my family" Emmett said.

"Bella's going to play Baseball. Ash I understand but Bella" Charlie said. "Yes, sir, that's the plan" Edward said.

"Well more power to you, I guess" Charlie said. "Bye daddy" Ashley said as she left the house with Emmett.

After a minute Edward and Bella came out. "Your father thinks you should both go to an all girl's school" Edward said. "No fair reading Charlie's mind" Bella said.

They all get in the jeep, Emmett and Ashley in front. "Since when did Vampires like baseball" Bella asked. "Because they're awesome" Ashley said making Emmett chuckle.

"It's the American Past time. Plus there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play. You'll see why" Edward said.

The drive didn't take to long. They get out of the car to see Jasper, Thomas and Esme ready to greet them.

"Ash it's wonderful to see you again" Jasper said to Ashley. "Hi Jasper" Ashley said as Jasper gave her a hug.

Edward was confused on why Jasper was hugging Ashley. He found it weird that Ashley had no scent, considering he liked her scent.

"Good thing you're here. We need a umpire" Esme said. "She thinks we cheat" Thomas said with a grin. "You probably do" Ashley said making Thomas wink.

"I know you cheat. Call them as you see them girls" Esme said as she took the girls to the spot they needed to be.

"It's time" Alice said. She threw the ball and Rosalie smashes the ball with an aluminium bat the makes a sound like thunder just as real thunder sounded. Edward crashes the ball.

"Now I get why you need the thunder" Bella said. "That's got to be a home run" Ashley said. "Edward's very fast" Esme said.

Rosalie darts around the bases, a blur. Edward races out the forest and when in sight throws it to the home plate. Esme catches it a millisecond before Rosalie slides in.

"You're out" Bella said. Esme nods and smiles. "YEAH" Thomas cheered while Rosalie glared at him. "Come on babe it's just a game" he said to her.

Rosalie stared down Bella as the girl stood up. She brushed beside Bella before giving a small smile to Ashley.

Carlisle goes next. He hits the ball. Edward and Emmett race for the catch. They end up colliding with such a force that it sounds like boulders falling. Carlisle is safe.

Jasper went next. He looked at Ashley with a small smile. She couldn't help smile back at him annoying Emmett.

He hit the ball but before Edward can chase it Alice gasps. "Stop! I didn't see them" Alice said confusing Bella and Ashley.

Edward is immediately by the girls side. Jasper and Emmett go to Ashley's side while Thomas goes to Bella's with Edward.

Soon the family were around the girls. "They're travelling so quickly" Alice said. "You said they left the country" Rosalie said.

"They did, but the heard us and changed their minds" Alice said. "Put your hair down" Edward said to Bella.

Jasper put his hat on Ashley to try and mask her scent, not that he could smell it. "That helps, thank you" Emmett said to his brother.

Emmett grabbed Ashley's hands. "I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm so sorry" he said as he kissed her knuckles.

Three figures appear from the edge of the forest. Emmett was standing in front of Ashley, but not directly in front.

"I believe this belongs to you" Laurent, the black vampire said as he threw the ball to Carlisle fast that Ashley doesn't see it. Carlisle caught it with ease. "Thank you" he said.

"Could you use three more players" Laurent asked. "Of course" Carlisle said. "I'm Laurent, this is Victoria and James" Laurent said.

"Would you like to bat first" Carlisle asked. Laurent picks up the bat. The Cullens take up the field. Carlisle as catcher, Edward is on first with Bella besides him while Emmett is on third with Ashley.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have cause something of a mess for us" Carlisle said. "Our apologises. We didn't realise the territory had been claimed" Laurent said.

"Yes we maintain a permanent residence" Carlisle said. "Really? Well we won't be a problem anymore" Laurent said. "The humans were tracking us but we led them East" Victoria said.

Jasper pitches the ball. Laurent slams it but Alice is up a tree in a flash and the ball slams in her hand impressing James but annoying Laurent.

James went next and he slams it with an amazing force. He runs past first, and smells her scent, it was pleasurable to him.

"You brought a snack" James said. All the Cullens, including Emmett, who drags Ashley behind him, go over to Bella and Edward.

"Correction you brought two snacks" James said smirking at Ashley. Emmett Growls at James who growls back.

"The girls are with us" Carlisle said. "We won't harm them" Laurent said. "Just try it" Emmett said.

"I think it would be best if you leave" Carlisle said. "Yes, I can see the game is over. We'll go now. James" Laurent said.

James' eyes don't leave Emmett's. Laurent puts a hand on James' shoulder. They disappear out of the woods.

"Get the girls out of here. We'll follow them" Carlisle said as he, Thomas and Rosalie race off after the three vampires.

Emmett and Edward put the girls in the jeep. Bella in the back and Ashley in the front. They strap the girls in.

"James is a tracker. I saw his mind. The hunt is his obsession and our reaction set him off" Edward said looking at both girls.

"We're a large clan of strong fighters, all protecting two vulnerable humans" Edward said. "We just made this his most exciting game ever" Emmett said disgusted with himself.

"The first place he'll go is your house. He'll track your scent there" Edward said. "What? No Dad's there. He's in danger because of me, of us" Ashley said wide eyed.

"Then we'll lead the tracker away from him somehow" Emmett said squeezing her hand gently wishing he had Jasper's powers.

~(End Of Chapter 14. I'm hopefully going to finish this tomorrow or even tonight. Not sure whether there's going to be two or three more parts)~

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