Chapter 1

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It was Bella's birthday. Ashley was excited for her sister. She woke up extra early to make sure her present was wrapped up.

She and Charlie knocked on Bella's door. "Come in" she said. "Happy birthday" Ashley said as the two walked in the room.

"I thought we said no gifts" Bella said. "I don't remember saying that and even if I did you should know me better" Ashley said grinning.

"The one from me isn't wrapped so it doesn't count" Charlie said as he gave Bella a bag. She looked to see a scrap book.

"It's to put all your pictures in so you can record your senior year. Senior year, how'd you both get old so fast" Charlie said.

"I'm not that old" Bella said. "I don't know is that a wrinkle and a grey hair" Charlie said making Bella rush to a mirror to check.

Ashley burst out laughing. "I was kidding" Charlie said putting his arms in the arm. "Not funny" Bella said.

"Here's a gift from your mother" Charlie said giving her a wrapped present. Bella opened it to see a digital camera.

"You need something to take pictures with" he said. "I'll call her to thank her later" Bella said with a small smile.

"Well here is my gift" Ashley said giving Bella a wrapped up present. Bella opened it and saw a beautiful necklace.

"Ash it's beautiful" Bella said shocked. "Don't sound so surprised. I do have good taste" Ashley said as Bella hugged her.

The two girls made their way to school. Ashley couldn't wait to see Emmett, she missed him, even though she only saw him yesterday.

When they arrive at school to see Mike, Eric, Angela and Jessica. Ashley really wasn't a fan of Jessica's.

"Wherefore art thou, Bella" Mike said. "Today's the big day, Bella" Jessica said making Bella go tense slightly. "The R and J essay's due" she said.

"I need a picture. My mom's expecting a scrapbook full of memories" Bella said. "I take them, I'm not in them" Angela said. "You are today" Ashley said.

The four, Mike, Eric, Angela and Jessica arrange themselves ready for the picture. Jessica right next to Mike.

"You'll Photoshop my nose if it looks big right" Jessica asked. "Don't worry, I'm in the picture, no one will be looking at you guys" Eric said.

Bella took the picture and Mike's face dropped. "Oh good. The Cullens are here" he said. "Yay" Jessica said sarcastically.

"We'll see you later" Ashley said grinning before running across the parking lot and jumping into Emmett's arms.

"I take it you missed me" he asked with a chuckle. "I missed you so, so, so much" she said as she kissed him. He kissed back.

"Keep it in the bedroom" Thomas said as he and Rose arrived next to them. Ashley and Emmett pull apart.

"How was your trip" Ashley asked. "It was amazing" Rosalie said. "Yeah Rose loved it, especially the sex" Thomas said making Rosalie roll her eyes.

"Come on let's get going" Emmett said putting his arms around his girlfriend as they walked into school.

"Oh we're having a party for Bella and you have to come" Emmett said. "A party? I love parties" Ashley said.

"God you're so adorable" Emmett said as he kissed her. "Ashley" Alice said as she hugged the girl.

"Hi Alice" Ashley said as Alice moved away. "Hi Ash" Jasper said smiling slightly. "Hi Jazz" Ashley said as she hugged him.

Emmett hated that they were close but when Jasper explained the reason he understood, but it didn't explain why her blood didn't appeal to him.

"I just wanted to make sure you're coming to the party" Alice said. "Of course I am. Can't get rid of me Alice" Ashley said smiling making Alice smile brightly back.

"Great Emmett will take you. Rose has a present for you. She left it on Emmett's bed. It's a dress to wear tonight" Alice said. "I look forward to it" Ashley said.

--Time Skip--

Emmett, Edward, Bella and Ashley were standing on top of the stairs looking all the pictures. One caught Ashley's eye.

"The Volturi are a very old, very powerful family. The closest thing my world has to royalty" Edward said.

"Francesco Solimena painted this. He often depicted the Volturi as Gods" Edward said making Ashley frown slightly.

"Is that Carlisle" she asked as she studied the picture better. "Yeah. He lived with them for a few decades. He said they were very refined for killers" Emmett said.

"The Volturi are enforcers" Emmett said. "Of what" Ashley asked. "Our main rule, to keep the secret of our existence" he said.

"We don't make spectacles of ourselves, or kill conspicuously" Edward said. "Unless we want to die" Emmett said.

"You can't let anyone hurt you. The Volturi or anyone else" Bella said. "Who else would hurt me" Edward asked.

Emmett dragged Ashley away. "They need some alone time" he said. He pushed Ashley against the wall making her smile.

"Is that what you think? Or is it you just want me all to yourself" she asked. "A bit of both" he said with a grin.

He went to kiss her only for her to get pulled away. "We need her to be ready for when Bella gets downstairs" Rosalie said.

Everyone was downstairs besides Bella and Edward. "Ash" Jasper said smiling at Ashley, who smiled back.

Just then Edward and Bella went downstairs. "Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in" Carlisle said. "Like that's even possible. Happy Birthday Bella" Esme said.

"Presents" Alice said. Rosalie gives Bella a box. "It's a necklace, Alice picked it" she said. "Thanks" Bella replied.

"Here" Emmett said handing her a box. Bella felt it empty and was confused "I already installed it into your truck" he said.

"Finally a decent sound system for that piece of-" Emmett was cut of. "Hey don't hate the truck" Bella said.

"This is from me and Esme" Carlisle said handing her a small box. "Just something to brighten your day you're looking a little pale lately" Esme said.

Bella starts to open the present only to get a paper cut. "Paper cut" she said. Ashley's eyes went wide.

Jasper went running towards Bella. Edward pushed Bella back making her hit the wall. Jasper slammed into Edward but Edward pushed him into the wall.

Emmett and Thomas hold Jasper back. Alice went over and held his hands. "Ssh.. it's just" Alice stopped as she noticed more blood.

"Emmett get Jasper out of here" Carlisle said. Emmett dragged Jasper out of the room, Rosalie, Thomas, Alice and Esme went too.

"Edward go check on Jasper. I'm sure he won't listen to anyone else right now" Carlisle said put Edward was staring at the blood.

"Edward" Ashley warned him. He shook his head, grabbed her arm and pulled her to the others with him.

"What the hell" she said. Everyone looked at her. Jasper looked down. He was ashamed of himself.

"I'm going to take you home" Emmett said. "What about Bella" Ashley asked. "I'll take her home" Edward said.

Rosalie gave Ashley a big hug as did Jasper. Emmett took Ashley to his jeep. They sat in silence as he drove.

They pulled up to the house. "Go get some sleep" Emmett said. "Are you coming in" she asked. "Not today" he said.

"I love you" she said. "I know" he said. She got out of the car and went in the house. She felt like something wasn't right.

~(Okay I'm exhausted as I wrote this. But this is the first chapter of New Moon. It's going to have a lot of Paul, since I love him. I hope you enjoyed this.)~

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