Chapter 2

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The next morning came around and Ashley was looking forward to seeing Edward and the rest of the Cullens.

"Come on Bella" Ashley said smiling at her older sister who smiled back. Ashley really did make anyone happy.

The two girls made their way to school. When they got to class they noticed none of the Cullens were there confusing them.

"Did you get a message from them" Bella asked. "No I didn't which is odd. They always tell me when they're not in" Ashley replied.

"It can't be the sun, since there is none" Bella said. "Maybe they just went for a trip or refuel themselves" Ashley suggested.

None of the girls spoke to each other about it. They were worried, they just didn't want the other to worry.

When the school day finished Ashley noticed Emmett standing by a lamp post so went over to him.

"Where were you" she asked. "Follow me" he said. "Okay" she said confused as she followed him in the forest.

They walked for ten minutes before stopping. "So what's going on" Ashley asked folding her arms, annoyed.

"We're leaving" he said. "What? Why" Ashley asked. "Carlisle looks like he hasn't aged and people are beginning to notice" Emmett lied.

Ashley narrowed her eyes at him. "You're a terrible liar. Now are you going to tell me the truth" she asked.

Emmett looked her directly in the eyes knowing what he was about to say would hurt her more than he wanted too.

"I found my mate" he said. "W-what" she asked taking a step back. "I found her. I tried to avoid her but I love her" he said.

Ashley felt her hurt break. "B-but, I thought, I thought I was your mate" she said in a whisper the words hurting her.

"Turns out a mate is more than someone you find beautiful. My mate is perfect, she's beautiful" he said with a force smile.

Tears ran down Ashley's face. "I'm sorry it came to this, but you'll be better off knowing now than further down the line" he said.

No words could escape Ashley's mouth as she took in the words. 'My mate is perfect'. The tears fell down heavier.

"Asher-" "Don't call me that" she snapped at him. He'd never seen her angry and he didn't like it.

"Look I never wanted this to happen, but it has. I just ask of you not to doing anything stupid, because I still care" he said.

The anger and sadness was building up in her. She was going to explode and he didn't want to see that.

"One day you'll find someone as much as I love her" he said as he stepped forward. "And he'll be the luckiest man on the planet" he said.

That was it Ashley snapped. She put her hands out and a gust of wind came out knocking Emmett onto a tree.

She fell to the ground crying while Emmett took this as an opportunity to leave, to leave his mate crying in the woods.

A loud scream left her mouth as she cried. She was hurt, angry and miserable. They left her, they were leaving her.

She cried herself to sleep in the middle of the woods, not caring if anyone saw her or killed her. She wanted to die.

Warm arms picked her up. She was numb to the feeling, she was numb to the warm sensation running through her body.

"ASH" Charlie's voice said as he saw his daughter in the arms of Paul Lahote. She was unware of Bella standing against the car tears down her face.

"I can take her for you if you like" Paul said. "Just put her in the car" Charlie said and Paul listened, putting Ashley in the cop car.

Charlie drove off home. When he got out of the car, neither Bella or Ashley made an attempt to move.

"Come on" he said as he helped both girls out. They walked slowly to their rooms, not saying a word to each other, both feeling heart broken and betrayed by the ones they love most.

She remembered the words Emmett said to her at Prom 'I can't promise to fix all your problems, but I can promise you won't have to face them all alone'.

It was just another one of the numerous lies he told her, the main lie being the three words 'I love you'.

~(Hi People, sorry it's took me so long to update and sorry it's so short, I haven't had a laptop, my friend's using it, but currently I'm at her house so I'll try and get another chapter out today. I'm so pleased with the support, the many views, votes and comments this has got, it really makes me happy. I'm going to try get another Chapter out today for this story and one for my Jasper Hale series. I'm sorry this is note is so long I don't want to do a whole chapter for an A/N. )~

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