Chapter 10

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Bella's eyes went wide as she looked at her sister. "Ash this is a bad time to start messing around" Jacob said praying it was a joke.

Ashley was confused. "Am I Ash" she asked Bella. "Yes" Bella said tears running down her face.

"Who are you" Ashley asked. "I'm your sister Bella" Bella told her. "Let's get you changed then we're going to the hospital" Jacob said as he picked up Ashley.

The three went to the car. Ashley was sitting in the middle. playing with her hands. "Will she be okay" Bella asked Jacob. "Let's hope so" he replied.

It was silent in the car as they made their way to the house. "We're leaving" Jacob said suddenly confusing Bella and Ashley.

"Wait? Why?" Bella asked. "There's a leech" Jacob told her. "A leech" Ashley asked confused.

"There's Carlisle car. He can help" Bella said as she undone her seat belt. "Bella stop" Jacob told her.

"She needs help" Bella said. "I can't protect you on there" he told her. "We don't need protecting they won't hurt us" Bella said as she undone Ashley's seat belt.

Bella pulled Ashley out of the car and they go in the house only to bang into someone that Ashley didn't recognise.

"Alice" Bella said. "Alice" Ashley asked confused. "What are you doing here" Bella asked.

"What am I doing here? Do you want to explain how you two are both alive. I saw you both die" Alice said.

Ashley was confused. How did Alice see them die? "How did you see us die" she asked. Alice looked at Ashley then Bella.

"She was under the water, she was under longer than me. She has amnesia" Bella said.

"What is that awful wet dog smell" Alice asked. "That would be me, or Jacob, he's kind of a werewolf" Bella said.

"Bella werewolves are bad company" Alice said. "Speak for yourself" Jacob said from the corner making Ashley jump.

"I'll leave" Alice said. "Will you be back" Bella asked hopeful. "As soon as you put the dog out, come on Ashley" Alice said as she took Ashley's hand and left the room.

"Do you remember any of these names, Carlisle, Esme, Thomas, Rosalie, Edward, Jasper, Emmett" Alice asked slowly.

"Yes I remember that name" Ashley said. "Which one" Alice asked. "Jasper, but I don't know why" Ashley said.

"Jasper is my boyfriend" Alice told her. "Why would I remember your boyfriend" Ashley asked confused.

"You two have a friendship, a strong friendship and-" Alice stopped talking and stared into space, it was scary to Ashley.

Suddenly Alice went into the house leaving Ashley. Ashley stayed outside confused on what was happening.

Bella and Alice walked out of the house. "You can't leave" Jacob said following the two girls.

"I'm not going to let him die out of guilt" Bella said. "What's going on" Ashley asked. "I'm leaving to Italy" Bella told her.

Ashley's eyes went wide. "Why are you going Italy" she asked. "To save my boyfriend" Bella replied. "Do I know him" she asked. "Yes" Bella replied. "Tell him I said hi" Ashley said.

Alice looked at Ashley with a small smile on her face. "Right, jump in I'm dropping you off at mine, Carlisle, my father will be there, he's a doctor" Alice said.

Ashley jumped in the car and the drove to a house, outside the house Jasper was standing there looking happy to see the girls.

"Edward's going Volturi. You need to say with Ashley, she has amnesia. You're the only one she remembers" Alice told her boyfriend.

"Be careful" Jasper told her. "Of course. Ashley this is Jasper, he'll protect you while we're going" Alice said. "Okay" Ashley replied as she got out of the car.

The car drove off and Jasper put his arm out for Ashley to take. "How are you feeling" Jasper asked as they got in the house.

"I don't remember anyone, it's frustrating" she told him. "Hopefully soon you'll remember everyone" Jasper said.

"Where's the doctors" Ashley asked. "He'll be here soon, along with Emmett" Jasper told her. "Who's Emmett" she asked.

"He's my brother and he was your boyfriend" Jasper said. "Oh, okay" Ashley said. Even while she was like this she still had a calming, happy presence.

After sitting down for two hours the doors open and there was someone in front of Ashley in less than a second scaring her.

"JASPER" She screamed terrified. Jasper appeared beside her. "Emmett stand back" Jasper warned him and he took a few steps back.

"What happened to her" Emmett asked. "She has amnesia, she doesn't remember anyone" Jasper said. Emmett felt tears in his eyes that would never fall.

The love of his life had amnesia. She was scared of him. She didn't even know who he was. He felt his dead heart break.

~~(So Ashley doesn't remember anyone, besides Jasper. She doesn't remember about Vampires or Werewolves. And Emmett's heart is broken. I'll try and get the final Chapter (of Book 2) out today)~~

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