As Bloated as a Hot Air Balloon

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Lunch: one green pear

Okay let me explain before I get all this ham for only eating a pear today.

Today I woke up with an absolute bathroom emergency. It was practically the very first thing I did when I got up. And let me tell you what happened in that bathroom will forever stay in that bathroom. I have zero intentions of even remotely speaking about what happened in there this morning. 

But anyways, long story short, I was having some... errr... issues. And well, my butt hurt for a while afterward. 

I went to school with probably being slightly bloated, it was at a safe stage where it was that noticeable by just a hesitant glance I would say. And I was doing just fine and dandy.... then 3rd hour came along and I was the size of a balloon. 

And  I swear there was an alien in my stomach for the rest of the day. My stomach would make the weirdest noises and well as when my stomach did gurgle, it felt as if my organs were being moved around.  I had a pear since I was hungry at lunch, and afterward I felt moderately fine. 

But then the stomach flips came back in full force. 

It was terrible since after school I had to go straight to a study session for APUSH and couldn't necessarily say anything to anyone there because let's be real, ain't nobody wanna hear what goes down in the bathroom when you felt like I did. 

I was slowly going insane. 

And when I got home finally, I decided since my stomach doesn't really want food, signalling though like a grumble of some sort, then I'm fine and will eat dinner later on in the evening. But, that peckish signal never came... so I never had dinner.

And honestly, I'm okay with that. 

Because my body knows what it can deal with, and what it needs when it wants it. My body is also way more knowledgeable than my mind, because on a regular basis I used to constantly be so scared that I wasn't eating enough, or I was eating too much.

Well screw that. 

My body knows what it needs, and when it finally needs something, it'll eventually tell me. Honestly, today was absolutely horrid, stomach-wise. And even now when I type this up, I still feel this constant bloat in my stomach. 

Reflecting on today, I now genuinely know anything and everything you put into your body in private can be seen in public. I don't know who said this, however I saw it on Pinterest and thought I could really relate. 

Because when this years high school swim season ended, I ended up still eating crap tons of junk that I would usually burn off through morning and afternoon runs and swims. I'd never really feel bloated since I sweat off the salt and I didn't have abnormal stomach noises. 

I slowly started to put on weigh, and eventually that led to over 10lbs. gained. Not that I'm saying being a lil' chubby is bad, I really don't mind it that much. It's just I strongly react to terrible foods if I don't exercise. Today, just one of the many times I've felt overwhelmingly disgusting and huge as a house all thanks to my terrible eating habits. 

I know now that my main priority is not looking good, but feeling good. And from experience, when I eat whole plant-based food, I feel absolutely stunning and stocked, so full of energy. 

But when I consume processed bread and sugars and such I feel like crap. L

Like utter crap with no purpose but to eat more crap. 

So lesson of today: Eat to make yourself feel good. 



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