Be Balanced Ma Boi

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Haha... *grins cheekily* I have no reason to be writing this honestly, but I'm avoiding doing the mandatory homework in some of my class by writing this entry, so why not?

In all honesty, I think from now on I'm just over making promises I CANNOT keep, it's just terrible for all of you who want to reading this absolutely shitty rendition of a 'being-a-better-person" journal. All the advice I can give you now, because it's actually real, sensible advice is: EFFING DO YOU BOO. 

I'm sick of trying to fit into this box that I know is impossible for me to fit in, and I now know that my body is always changing. EVERY. DAMN. DAY. So, sometimes it's okay to feel like eating is uncontrollable, and it's okay to feel not even hungry that day, because you're body is sending signals as to what it needs, and when it's doin' mighty fine without any interference. 

I'll try to write on a more consistent basis because I just rediscovered my fav hobby that all trash loves... to rant. Specifically about health-related things though, because I'm always just super into finding out new things and such about bettering my health and just overall well-being as a general person. 

But, recently I've decided to officially become a raw vegan because I find that's when I feel the most confident, and when I feel my absolute best. So eff off to all the haters that think this lifestyle is crap, or whatever they think, because I'm so tired of feeling pressured to fit into their 'perfect little perception' of what a healthy and good body looks like. I'm to decide, not them. 

I've been experimenting with my food choices, yes including dairy and meat, and have just found that my body cannot and WILL NOT tolerate shit foods anymore, my stomach literally goes ape shit and then I can't do anything that whole day cuz I feel like complete crap. 

So yeah, I've decided to do that and just be total intuitive and chill about it... because I want to. I've finally found a lifestyle where I don't feel like I'm hangry all the time, and also have to force feed myself to eat enough. I just eat until I'm satisfied and that's that. 

I'll begin posting pictures again, but won't be including macro or micro nutrient facts, because as long as I'm eating greens, getting enough vitamins and such, it's not that important to me my dudes. 

Well, I've decided to end it here, but look forward to seeing my on a more daily basis because I forgot how much I actually just like talking about my life and my food choices. Normally, I don't really talk to anyone about it, and I don't know it just gets my kinda sad I guess because I think eating healthy and keeping YOURSELF accountable is so important when you're trying to be both mentally and physically healthier. 

Every 25 entries, I'll list my weigh ins, but after this week, most likely later on, I'll state it, and then as the weeks pass by I'll list it off for you guys. 

Song of the entry: blackbear --- do re mi 

idk, lemme know if you wanna have a song of the entry, because honestly I love to listen to the recommend songs the writers suggest for that specific chapter to fit the mood. If you like the idea, just comment here I guess, and it'll be the first thing I state at the beginning of each and every entry. 

Much Love,  

BTW: You guys are a priority now, don't worry, I won't forget about you anymore

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BTW: You guys are a priority now, don't worry, I won't forget about you anymore. I want this to be an actively safe place where not only I, but you guys too, can talk about health problems. Because if I'm being honest, I really struggled by myself for probably a solid half a year before I talked to anyone about it, and I'd hate for that to be you too. 

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