Oopsy Daisy

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Hi there... *inserts an awkward grin*

How has your week been?

I know I promised to be on a daily updating schedule with this chronology, but in some aspects, my weekend was quite busy and every time I got around to the idea of updating I thought, ummm, I think that's my bed whispering sweet nothings to me... well I better not ignore it.

Story of my life.

But anyways, I can't really remember specifically what I ate on Friday, all I know is that it was unhealthy since I didn't have anything planned. But on Saturday, I ate pretty dang healthy. Tons of fruits and veggies, and when I was physically hungry I ate, and when I was full - but not stuffed - I stopped. It was a good day.

Today was like a weird mix of both Friday and Saturday all in a big melting pot. So I started out healthy with a green smoothie, went on a long-ish walk with my Dad, then got home. Home... is like the food pantry of heaven and hell, mi amigo. It has everything you want, but shouldn't have. Damn, stupid Stacy's Pita Chips, you taste so good to me for some odd reason. So after that I kinda ate crappy, and ended my day of eating on a sorta good note with some strawberries. They were bomb by the way.

Picture of some of the food I ate:

Picture of some of the food I ate:

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So this time when losing unwanted body fat, I've got a strategy

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So this time when losing unwanted body fat, I've got a strategy. Oh yes, pulling out my fancy shmancy diction so I can sound smarter about my fattiness. *smirk smirk*

So in order to me to feel good, I need a satisfying lunch. Meaning I need that meal to be slightly more calorie-dense. And I decided steel-cut, overnight oats would be a good chose by getting in all that good fiber and whole grain as well. I would be able to do it the night before and not just pack fruits. Additionally, I'll be having some little fruits like strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries on top for sweetness, and hemp seeds for good fats.

For dinner each night, I'll be having that salad per usually you see on my other posts, except without the hot sauce because I think that makes me a little bloated in the mornings because I practically douse it in the Sriracha. With a baked or microwaved potato with peas, corn, and carrots that are in little individual baggies, which will serve to get in my veggies and plenty of fiber to help with le poop.

So I want address what I'll be doing if I ever happen to stray away from this eating regime to detoxify my taste buds. If I happen to go on a junk food rampage or eat any un listed foods at all, then I'll be sure to write one of this longer entries the day of explaining my emotion before, during, and after the eating experience to give you guys a realistic feel of how it may effect me personally.

Know that I'll never be perfect, nor will you. And during this journey there will be mistakes, just like how I didn't post for 2 days straight. But in all honesty, we need to do our best and fight hard to get what we want, and in our own way we can be 'progressive' not 'perfect'. It's all about getting better and better at what you do, then trying something new, and learning the fine arts of that subject.

I want you readers to remember that things like this are really hard to begin, well at least for me because it's breaking habits that have been pretty consistant for over 3 months, and while I'm making progress, there will always be those set backs. It's just about getting back up and trying again with a positive attitude and a healthy mindset. And though you can't experience that everyday, because let's face it, it's life, you can do the most and be the best with honest effort and high standards.

Shine bright,

Shine bright,

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