Turning a New Leaf

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So over the course of this week, I've been eating quite poorly. Actually really poorly. And I'm not going to lie, mostly consisted of cheap ice cream sandwiches and cheese that I didn't even really enjoy eating.

Do you ever do that to yourself? Even though you hate it, you just do it out of habit, or nature?

You know, I've learned that genetically humans are ALWAYS going to be drawn to salty, fatty, or sugary foods, because that what in the previous eras allowed us to survive and continue to repopulate the earth.

And a few days ago I had an epiphany acknowledging the fact that food producers earn their living off of killing other human beings. Now, I know that sounds extreme, but in the long run it's absolutely true, so true that I felt overwhelmed and so infuriated by this fact that I ranted to my Mom for a solid like 10 minutes about how the food industry is so f*cked up.

All these places like McDonald's, Taco Bell, and every other fast food joint ever just wants to suck your money dry and leave you with thousands of dollars in medical debt when you're older and soon have all these conditions and illnesses that require medication.

The worst thing about this whole fiasco is that it's 100% preventable and people—like me— try to live in denial that the foods they eat on a daily basis aren't toxic and total poison for our bodies. The people who create these foods know what people like, and know how to manipulate the public to think that what the companies provide and promote are completely okay.

That's the thing, they just want you money. Those places don't give a rat's ass about your health or well being they just want to make sure that when you eat that double pounder cheeseburger you come back for another one sometime soon. And bring your wallet loaded to make sure you purchase a side of large fries to go with that wrapped up death.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that even though it's a true struggle to ween off of the fast food and all the addictive processed and pre-packaged foods out there, it's something everyone has to do at some point if they want to live. If they want to thrive.

And I'm not saying I'm a saint, hell no, I've made and still will make poor food choices, and later regret them, but the first thing you need to do in order to make a change is to finally accept that these foods are no good, and that you deserve better than shit food. Because you are what you eat, and ain't nobody wanna be shit.

Now I'm not going to go all hippie on you, but most all people know that fruits and vegetables are the way to go, and with that knowledge comes great opportunity. If you know something is good for you, try it out, and if it doesn't seem to fit your personal needs, then find something else that works for you.

The best thing about eating healthy is that there are always choices.

Now, I'm trying not to sound extreme, but starting today, I'm going to be trying a 30-day smoothie challenge. I'll be sure to include all my calories I eat for the day, to show that even though I aim to lose weight I still am eating enough. Trust me, sometimes we get kinda decadent and I make a big ol' chocolate smoothie so I can get in those calories.

I just seem to function a lot better with smoothies as opposed to other foods. So I'm going to make it official. Also, I'll be sure to get in my greens every day by having a green smoothie every morning.

Health is wealth, amiright?

Anyways, thanks again for putting up with my lousy ranting and my new ideas on how I want to eat, and be sure to follow along every day for new entries. I will be sure to include the daily calories and all that jazz if you guys are really keen on finding out.

Without further adieu, love you guys dearly, and see you tomorrow with all the smoothies I'll eat both today and tomorrow. (Pictures will be included)

Best of luck on your own health journey, 

Best of luck on your own health journey, 

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