Chapter Eighteen: The Wolf Deities

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~Third Person POV~ ~Alpha Clovis's Pack Mansion~

Everything is quiet in the main 'throne' room, as Clovis puts it until one of his spies walks into the room.

"You have news for me?" Alpha Clovis asks simply. The spy before him nods then begins to speak.

"Yes King, I have come to inform you that Russell and his mate along with Dante and a high-ranking War Wolf are traveling to the Wolven Temple. There, they plan to talk to the Deities to see how to stop the virus," the spy informs him. Alpha Clovis nods then frowns, feeling extremely furious.

"Alright then, on your way out, send in my War Wolf Commander," he says then dismisses the spy, leaving him feeling cold.

A few minutes later, the Commander walks into the room.

"The mutt and his mate, with Dante, and a guard are one their way to the Wolven Temple, so I want you to send out a hunting party and kill them on their way back since the others failed in killing Dante," Alpha Clovis says without remorse.

"I will take care of it Alpha," the Commander says back to Clovis then turns and walks out of the room. Alpha Clovis then continues to sit in his dark throne room alone, contemplating what he'll do when he finally gets control of the Windfall pack.

~Daxera's POV~

I open my eyes sleepily and look around me, quickly realizing I'm not in the Mustang anymore. Just as I am about to panic, Russ starts petting me, instantly calming me down.

"Relax we're on a charter plane from LA to the island. You wouldn't wake up so I decided to let you stay as a Wolf," he says then I nod in response.

'How long will it be 'till we get there?' I ask through the link. I then decide to stretch out on Russell's lap to get the tiredness out of my muscles.

"About five more minutes so great timing waking up. We've been on the plane for about a half hour," Russ says. I nuzzle into him then let out a yawn followed by a tiny squeak. He snorts then pats my head.

'Did you bring my clothes so I can change back?' I ask him.

"Yes, I did but don't shift back until the meeting with the deities is over because it's done in Wolf form," he explains. I nod then look out of the window to see nothing but ocean.

'Mmm, I don't like this very much. I hate flying over water... Why didn't we take a boat?' I ask as I nervously fidget.

"It's much faster to fly sweetheart," Russ says, with a chuckle. I sigh then look back out the window and spot the island we are flying to. I look at the barren looking island a little confused as to why I can't see a temple. Apparently, Russ can tell I'm confused.

'The temple is through a portal. No one has ever actually seen the temple from the outside, which means we don't actually know where it is,' Russ clarifies. I nod a little surprised to hear that portals exist, though I shouldn't be; I mean look at me, I'm a small Wolf in Russell's lap, not to mention my apparent Witchy-ness. I sigh then lay down in his lap.

"We are landing now, it's going to be a little rough," the pilot says from the front of the plane causing me to fidget again.

Russ holds me to his chest as I clamp my eyes closed and curl in on myself. I then start to hear the plane rattling as it shakes while we descend. I must have blocked everything out because the next thing I know, Russell is standing up and taking me with him.

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