📃Chapter One

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Present Day...


I was laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling ignoring the pain in my back as I thought about what I had discovered almost three months prior, before leaving Hogwarts. Dumbledore is using me, Ron and Ginny are being paid by Dumbledore to be friends with me, and The Order was only watching me to keep me in line. Dumbledore imperioed Bellatrix to kill Sirius. At Hogwarts I can't trust anyone because Dumbledore has told three of the houses, Raven-claw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor to be nice and lie to me and Slytherin's hate me. Here at the Dursly's I'm practically a house elf to them and Uncle Vernon enjoys beating me with his fist or with his 'special' toys aka knifes and many other painful objects.

Sighing I turned on my side so I could look at the clock that I had been able to fix after Dudley threw it into my wall, eleven-fifty-nine, smiling I sat up looking over at Hedwig.

•Are you alright Hadrian?• Hedwig asked through our familiar bond.

•I'm fine, Hedwig. Just thinking about things.• I smiled remembering that I had been able to keep secret that Hedwig was my familiar from my so called 'friends'. •Maybe this year will be different at school.•

•I have a feeling it will Hadrian.• She said and I looked back at clock to see the minute and hour hand strike twelve o'clock and I started feeling weird. Suddenly my head exploded in pain and I whimpered rolling off my bed and curling into a fetal position praying the pain would stop.

Finally after what felt like hours the pain in my head lessened enough for me to sit up, groaned I looked around my room noticing that my vision was blurry like it usually is when I don't have my glasses on.

"What was that about?" I muttered looking at Hedwig.

•Look in the mirror, Hadrian. You went through you're creature inheritance.• Nodding I slowly got to my feet and opened my wardrobe door looking at the broken mirror I had in there before gasping and stumbling back in shock. Swallowing harshly I took in my new appearance messy midnight black hair, glowing avada green eyes, my muclses are defined, two pitch black ears sat on top of my head, and I now stood five nine instead of five three.

"Seriously," I groaned after the shock faded. "I can't be normal can I? Crap, Uncle Vernon is going to kill me when he sees this."

Suddenly, I heard a loud pop and I turned to see and a thick envelope on my bed. Biting my lip wincing as I cut it with my now sharp teeth I walked over after opening Hedwig's cage and opened the envelope pulling a bunch of papers out and read the first page.


Dear Hadrian James Potter-Riddle(Gaunt),

It has come to Gringotts attention that you have gone through you're Magical/Creature Inheritance making you an adult in the eyes of the Magical Realm. At you're earliest convenience go the the ministry and take the Apparition test and register you're Creature and any other animagi​ you may have. Attached is your Birth Certificate(Official), Living/Dead Relatives, Lord/Heirships, Magical/Creature Inheritance. In the box is the universal vault key, please come to Gringotts at you're earliest convenience to go over vault discrepancies. Some friendly advice, get away from Albus Dumbledore.
Manager, Ragnook

Glancing at Hedwig who had landed on my bed beside the box I grabbed the other pile of papers looking at them.


Birth Certificate Official:
Mother- James Anthony Potter-Riddle Gaunt
Father- Tom Marvollo Riddle(Gaunt)
Child- Hadrian James Gaunt
Date of Birth- July 31, 12:00a.m.
Blood type- Full Blood
Inheritance- Half Neko, Animagi,

Living/Dead Relatives:
James Potter-Riddle- Mother (dead)
Tom Marvollo Riddle- Father (in hiding)
Lily Evens-Snape- Blood Adopted Aunt (dead)
Severus Snape- Blood Adopted Uncle
Remus Lupin-Greyback- Godfather
Sirius Black- Godfather
Lucious Malfoy- Godfather
Narcissa Malfoy- Godmother
Cassandra Black-Prevelle- Grandmother (dead)
Adonis Prevelle- Grandfather
Nero Prevelle- Uncle
Minerva McGonagall- Honorary Grandmother

Lord To:

Heir To:

Gaunt Manor, Gaunt Vacation House, Gaunt Safe House
Prince Manor, Prince Vacation House
Prevelle Manor, Prevelle Vacation House, Prevelle Castle, Prevelle Safe House
Potter Castle, Potter Manor, Potter Cottage
Godrics Hallow
Black Manor, Black Ancestry Home, Black Vacation House, Black Safe House
Gordan Castle, Gordan Manor
Lefay Manor, Lefay Castle, Lefay Vacation House
Gryffindor Estate
Raven-claw Estate

Heir To:
Riddle Manor, Riddle Vacation House, Riddle Safe House
Slytherin Estate
Hufflepuff Estate

Magical/Creature Inheritance:
Core- Dark Grey
Creature- Half Neko, Animagi
Mate(s)- (Unknown)
Powers- Mind Magic, Natural Magic, Wandless Magic, Wordless Magic, Parsel Magic, Parseltongue, Animagi, Creature Speak


"I'm done being used," I muttered before claiming my Lord-Heirships and jumping up after writing two short notes to Badger and Phoenix attaching them to Hedwig and sending her out my window. Catching my reflection I quickly closed the window and opened my trunk and quickly packing my belongings after closing the trunk I shrunk it down and slid it into my jacket pocket and holstering my wand and quickly and quietly making my way out of the knowing I wouldn't be coming back.

I made it to the Ministry and took the Apparition test passing with flying colors before apparating to one of the clothing shops in Diagon Alley to by me a hat to hid my ears and being thankful I didn't have to hid a tail.

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