📃Chapter Eighteen

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*Tom(Bascalisk)Marvollo Riddle Gaunt*

  I sat at the dining room table watching as everyone wandered in and I raised a brow at the four unfamiliar teens that walked in with Selina and Draco. Grabbing the Daily Profit from Misty I unfolded taking a slip of coffee only to choke on it when I read the front page.


  I gave my daughter a confused look when I saw her walk in with Ms.Chang, Mr.Thomas, Mr.Finnagin, and an unfamiliar young adult before turning to the table and pouring me some coffee. Glancing up when Luc and Cissa walked I smiled before giving Tom a startled look when he choked on his coffee staring wide eyed at the Daily Profit he was reading.


  I was gently mixing my hazelnut coffee creamer in my coffee when I heard a strangled sound looking up I saw Tom gaping at the Daily Profit. Glancing at Draco I giggled when I realized that Tom was reading Hadrian's scheme for killing off Harry Potter.


  After showering since I woke up covered in sweat I got dressed in black dress pants, black long sleeve dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up for now, and my new black ankle boots, taming my hair I magically cut it so it brushed slightly past my ears before shrinking my trunk and sliding it in my pocket and headed to the dining room to see Selina giggling and the adults looking at a shocked looking Tom who was looking at the Daily Profit. Smirking I took a seat beside him and pour me a glass of orange juice waiting for him to notice me.

  "Have fun last night brother?" Luna asked.

  "Of course sister," I smirked darkly. "Half of my revenge has been dealt."

  "What did you do?" Selina asked.

  "Where?" I asked innocently. "With Rita or the Dursly's​?"

  "Hadrian," she warned and I cackled.

  "Rita will do whatever I want because I know her darkest secret and the Dursly's will forever know the pain I went through but won't know it is my pain. I haven't killed anyone yet Cousin dearest."

  "Mind if I borrow this," I said pulling the Profit out of Tom's hands and moving so I standing between my crew and laid the paper out and Selina read Rita's​ article out loud.

Harry Potter never existed!
That's right my readers, apparently Lily Evens and James Potter were never together as a couple. Lily was in fact married to someone else who shall remain unnamed for safety reasons but as for James her was married to Tom Gaunt. Sixteen years ago James was visiting Lily when they were killed by the true evil Lord and James and Tom's son was taken and placed with a muggle family, who for years abused the poor boy. That's not all Lily's daughter was also taken and placed with a different muggle family who treated her like a child should be treated with love. But recently both children have gone through a rather late creature inheritance and found out the truth so they are now back with their rightful family.
Stay tuned for more on this heart breaking story.
Rita Skeeter out.

  I smirked at all of the shocked faces and the devil's laughed slapping my back congratulating my on the article and saying Albus is gonna have a cow.

  "Merlin Chaos," Cedric groaned. "You're going to end up getting us all killed or cause Albus to snap and end you."

  "That's the point," I said looking down at Selina. "Speaking of that we should probably get to Hogwarts if we want to get sorted before classes start today."

  "Lets go," Selina said standing up and I chuckled grabbing Dean and Seamus, Selina hugged Draco, and Neville wrapped his arms around Luna and I nodded as the seven of us apparated into the ROR in Hogwarts. 

  "We'll see you two after the sorting," Dean said as he dragged Seamus after him.

  "The same," Neville said holding Luna's hand as the exited ROR.

  "Well cousin ready to blow Albus's plan up in his face?" I asked Selina and she smiled. "Draco lead the way."

  Draco shook his wrapping an arm around Selina and we headed to Professor McGonagall's office, after explaining that we knew Albus was the evil lord and told her what he's done to say she was angry was an understatment, she was downright terrifying. After we calmed her down and told her part of our plan she agreed to help us, finally we handed her our official school papers and she said she'd get it filed with our other school paperwork. Selina kissed Draco's cheek before we entered the hall and down the Gryffindor table sitting beside Neville who had his arms wrapped possessively around Luna and I took note of her glassy eyed look. 

  "Where have you two been for the last couple of days?" Ron and Ginny demanded loudly.

  "Surrounded by death eaters," Selina said pulling a potions book out of her bag and opening it up. "We're fine Ronald, so be quiet."

  "Harry, Ms.Granger," I tensed at Albus's voice and I felt Selina tense slightly give me a sly look. "How have you been?"

  "Fine Headmaster," Selina said not looking up at him and put mind blocks up around Nev, Luna, Selina and myself. "Busy gathering information on the enemy."

  "Good good," he said before walking off and I sighed clinching my fist in Selina's skirt needing something to ground me before I hex the old fool.

  "Why aren't you two wearing Gryffindor colors?" Ginny asked and we both looked at her but didn't say anything because Minerva stood up and summoned  Alasander.

  "Students, Professors, it has come to my attention that a few of our students have been sorted into the wrong houses and therefore will be resorted with their real names that they have recently found."

  "Wonder who those gits are?" Ron laughed and I glared at him.

"Selina Snape." Minerva said and Selina stood up dusting her skirt off and walking up to the stood taking a seat before the hat was placed on her head and a second later the hat yelled 'Slytherin', smiling I watched as she skipped over to Draco and dropping down in his lap.

   "Hadrian Gaunt." I smirked and strolled up to Minnie and sat on the stool ignoring the heated glare that was staring into my back. 

"Hello child," Alasander's voice rang through my mind. "So have you figured out you're true path?"

  "Yes Alasander," I replied. "I plan on taking down Albus for what he has done to my family."

  "About time, that old coot is insane." Alasander said and I chuckled. "He plans his schemes out loud."

  "Has he spoken about a animagus by the name of Sirius Black?" I asked since I haven't had time to look at the map and see if Siri was somewhere in the castle. "Albus has him hidden somewhere and I want to reunite my godfather with both of his bonded."

  "Yes, Sirius Black is here and in one of the hidden cells with two others." Alasander said after a moment. "Ask Hogwarts for help and hide them in Salazzar's chambers until winter break then get them out."

  "Thank you," I said relieved.

  "Hogwarts heir placed in  Slytherin!" Alasander said loudly so the great hall heard and there were many shocked and angry yells mostly from the Gryffindor table.

  "Thank you Minnie," I smiled placing the hat down and banishing it before walking down to where Draco and Selina were sitting. dropping down I look up to see Ron and Ginny glared hatefully at us and I sent them a dark smirk before turning to Blaise asking him what the devils had planned for pranks.

*Albus Dumbledore*

  I watched as my pawn made friends with the Slytherins, growling in anger I exited the great hall and went to release my anger on the mutt and my two prisoners that I had recently locked in the cells. 


After the crazy headmaster left I wrapped my magic around the two boys and girl healing some of what the painful curses did hoping my heir would rescue them soon before they completely lost what little sanity they had left from everything the headmaster has done to them. 

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