📃Chapter Forty-One

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⏫For Fun

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For Fun

Hadrian's animagi form

*James(Prongs)Potter Gaunt*

I was watching Sirius and Lucius cuddle their niece before I looked around the room for Hadrian only to find that he wasn't here anymore.

"Remus, where did Hadrian go?" I asked Remus who was standing beside me.

"The garden I think," he said. "Why?"

"I was just wondering," I said walking out the doors and headed towards the garden to find my son. After searching for several minutes I found him sitting beside the creek hugging his knees. "Hadrian?"

"W-What is it?" he asked raising his head and I noticed the tears rolling down his cheeks. "Are they okay?"

"The kids are fine," I sighed sitting beside him. "I'm more worried you though."

"Why," he mumbled. "I'm nothing important."

"What are you talking about?" I asked and he groaned jumping up.

"Nothing," he grumbled and headed back to the house.

"Hadrian," I yelled but he disappeared from sight with a pop.

"James, what's wrong?" Tom asked when I ran back into the house.

"Hadrian thinks he's not important," I gasped out.

"What?!" several people yelled.


Groaning I walked through the empty halls of Hogwarts lost in my thought that suddenly hit me after reuniting my family with their kids. Muttering I didn't hear the footsteps running up behind me until it was too late and everything went dark.


I was watching Selina explain something to Draco when I was startled but a young girl dressing in a medieval dress.

"Who are you?" I asked confused and still startled.

"I'm Holly," she said.


"I'm the magic of Hogwarts and I need help," she said.

"With what?" Selina asked standing up.

"Albus and Ronald Weasley have Hadrian chained in the dungeon cells with a newly turned teen werewolf that's about to starts his first transformation," Holly said and Selina gasped. "You need to save him before the wolf accidentally kills him."

"Dad, go to Gaunt Manor and get Remus. Draco go get Kingsley. Holly, do you think you could stop Albus and Ron from leaving the castle?" Selina asked after taking control of the situation.

"I can try," Holly said before disappearing.

"DOBBY!" Selina yelled and a second later the familiar house elf popped in.

"How can Dobby help Selina?"

"Go get Fred and George and bring them to the dungeon," she said. "Hadrian is in trouble and I need to wolves that can hold a young back long enough for an alpha to come and help."

"Right away," Dobby said and he popped away.

"What are you doing standing there like a bunch of idiots, GO!" Selina yelled before she popped out of the room and I immediately flooed to Gaunt Manor startling Bella, Ander and two young boys.

"Where's Remus?" I asked.

"Basement," Lysander said confused. "What's going on?"

"Albus is trying to start another creature war," I said running out of the library and ramming into James.

"Severus, what are you doing here?" Tom asked and I jumped up shedding my teaching robes so I could move around better.

"Hadrian's in trouble," I gasped. "Albus has him chained up in a room with a newly bitten werewolf who's about to change. I need to get Remus."

"Tom?" James gasped and I heard Tom reply but I was already running down the basement stairs and I slammed the one cell door open finding Remus and Ferenir.

"Sev?" Remus asked and I shook my head grabbing his wrist and apparating us to just outside Hogwarts barrier.

"No time to explain you need to save Hadrian from a new werewolf," I said and Remus nodded. "Dungeons."

Remus growled and he took off running I followed after him only to get stopped my Draco and Kingsley.


I found the cell Hadrian was in and I walked closer to him before I got startled by a pained groan and I turned to see who the teen was and I gasped stumbling back and landed on my behind.

"Damn it Ablus not again," I whispered staring at the teen that looked like he was in a lot of pain and I sent a silent prayer to whoever was listening for help to arrive soon.

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