📃Chapter Twenty Five

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  I was pacing the room trying to decipher what the shadows were whispering about when I bumped into something.

  "What's wrong Kill?" I looked down to Hadrian.

  "Something upset the balance and order," I muttered dropping down in a chair. "I can't figure out what it is."

  "Maybe I can help," he said straddling my lap and I gripped his hips. "What do you know about James Potter and Lily Evens?"

  "They died sixteen years ago on the order of a death signature," I said sliding my hand up under his shirt running my hand over the scars causing him to shiver. "What about them?"

  "Their alive," he said rubbing against me and I sucked in a breath. "Albus has had them hidden and somehow had all papers show that they were dead. I just reunited them with their bonded."

  "KNIGHT!" I yelled and he ran into the room.

  "Yes master," he said. "Good evening Chaos."

  "Knight," Hadrian nodded.

  "Knight, I want you to keep an eye on Albus Dumbledore. He has unset the balance for the last time."

  "Of course," Knight nodded changing into his raven and flying out the window.

  "Do you have to go back tonight?" I asked grabbing his collar and pulling him closer to me.

  "No," he hummed. "I have to be back in the morning to speak with the rest of my crew, and you are going with so hopefully you can help figure out what Albus did to made everyone believe and show that Lily, James, and Sirius were dead."

  I hummed standing up while holding Hadrian to my chest and quickly shadow walked us to my bedroom dropping him on the bed, he smirked snapping his fingers and I felt my clothes changed and watched his go from jeans and t-shirt to black and green track pants. Smiling I climbed in beside him and pulled the blanket up nuzzling his neck sighing in content as we both fell asleep.


  I barely acknowledged when the children left as I was looking down at my bonded who by some miracle was back in my arms after years of thinking she was gone. 

  "Sev?" she whispered looking up at me and I saw hidden pain, my inner vampire whimpered and I tightened my arms around her quickly apperating us to our room and standing her on the chest that was at the edge of the bed.

  "I need to make sure you're not hurt," I said quickly stripping her of the dress she was wearing, after checking her over I laid her on the bed hovering over her. "I've missed you, my Lilt."

  "And I you," she whispered back leaning up to kiss my lips and I groaned gliding my lips down her neck and sinking my fangs into her neck marking her again.

  "All mine," I growled pulling and pushing at the dress before ripping it off and kissing down her throat.

*Remus(Moony)Lupin Greyback*

  The longer I sat with Sirius in my arms the stronger I felt the severed bond strengthen, whining I nuzzled my nose into his neck causing him to shutter.

  "Ren, Moony." He whimpered and Ren growled lowly and the air shifted before I felt a mattress under my knees. 

  "You're never leaving us again," I growled looking over Siri's head at Ren who's were glowing.

  "Never," Ren growled grabbing Siri's hair and pulling his head back where he was staring up at him. "You are ours."

  "Yours," he whispered and I tightened my grip in his waist nuzzling his neck again before harshly sucking on it while Ren did the same to the other side before we both slide our sharpened teeth in remarking him and Siri let out a loud moan as he rubbed against Ren's and I whimpering.

  "Patience," Ren growled moving a hand down and gripping Siri's thigh causing a whining moan to be released.

*James(Prongs)Potter Gaunt*

  I watched as everyone left the library before I looked up at Tom who was staring into the fireplace with a dark look.

  "Tom?" I questioned placing a hand on his cheek.

  "I thought I'd lost you," he said softly finally looking down at me. "I thought I'd never see you or Hadrian again. I've missed you, my love."

  "I missed you, too." I whispered and he groaned wrapping his arms around my waist and I felt the air shift before I realized it I was laid back against the bed with him kissing, nipping and suck down my neck causing me to whimper. "Tom."

  "I'm never letting you go," he growled harshly biting into my neck with his fangs and I gasped at the pleasure that ran through my body as I wrapped my legs around his hips silently begging for more.

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