📃Chapter Two

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  I was sitting on my bed listening as my Grandmother and Uncle yell at each other down the hall when I was startled by something pecking on my window, literally falling off my bed I quickly opened the window when I recognized the owl as Hedwig.

  "Hi Hedwig," I smile noticing the letters attached to her I pulled them off only to put the one addressed to Phoenix back before climbing on my bed to read the letter from Harry.

Found out some shocking news. Meet me at The Leaky Cauldron with Phoenix.

  Smiling I jumped up setting the letter with the others I had gotten from Harry, Luna Dean and Seamus before I started packing the rest of my school thing shrinking my trunk sliding it into my pocket and quietly making my way to the chimney and flooing to Diagon Alley.

  Rubbing the soot off of me I made my way towards The Leaky Cauldron finding Phoenix standing out front with Chaos.


  "Chaos, Phoenix," a voice said interrupting my conversation with Luna. "Sorry I'm late, Gran and Uncle were at it again.

  "It's fine Nev," I smiled watching Luna hug Neville. "We were just talking about going to the animal emporium before going to Gringotts."

  "Sounds like fun," Nev smiled. "What's with the hat?"

  "I'll explain that in a little while," I shrugged as we started walking down the row of shops before stopping at the emporium.

  "Maybe we can find our familiar," Luna said excitedly and me and Nev followed her in.

  "Welcome to the Animal Emporium, my name is Felx. How can I help you?"

  Just as the man quit talking I felt a pull towards the back of the shop and moved past my friends and Felx until I stopped in front of a cage.

  "Sir, you should get to close that animal is a hybrid and highly dangerous."

  "I felt a pull," I said bending down and sliding my fingers through the bars and feeling fur and scales as the animal started purring. "Open it, she's my familiar."

  "Just a moment, sir." Felx said rushing off and I rested my head against the cage door.

Hello, my name is Hadrian. Do you have a name?• I asked the creature gently.

•No.• Came a soft but gruff reply. •My breeder said it is my humans job to name me. You are my human, but you are not human.•

•No, I am half Neko.• I chuckled moving back when I heard keys jingling and the cage door was unlocked, crouching back down I peered into the cage gasped when a large cat pounced on my chest causing me to fall on my back. •What are you?•

•Dragon Cat Hybrid, the last of my breed.•

•You are beautiful.• I smiled sitting up scratching behind the ears. •But we need to find you a name, do you have favorite?•

•My breeders child would read and I liked to name Nyx.• He purred. •You have another familiar.•

•Yes, Hedwig. She is a white owl and very friendly.•

  "Harry," Neville​ said and I was knocked back over when Nyx headbutted my shoulder​ and he growled lowly. "Uh sorry."

  "Nyx," I said calmly. "This is one if my friend's Neville."

•He smells of blood and magic. He will be having his transformation soon• Nyx said walking over to Neville sniffing him before headbutting his chest and walking back very to me.

  "What is it Neville?" I asked smiling down at Nyx as he shrunk in size jumping up and laying across my shoulders.

  "Luna and I found our familiars," he smiled running off and I followed after him.

•Ivory and Zero.• Nyx said jumping down and walking over to the two small hybrids. •They are Wolf Dragon Hybrids and mates. You're friends are lucky.•

  I chuckled and Felx and Neville looked up at me, but before they could say anything the male pup sneezed sending a flame across the room.

  "How much for them?" I asked pointing towards our familiars.

  "Nothing," Felx said. "I only charge for pets, familiars ​are a part of who you become as a wizard or witch so they are free."

  "Thank you," I smiled as Nyx jumped back on my shoulders and Neville and Luna picked up their pups. "Come on guys, we still need to stop at Gringotts before heading to King's Crossing."

  "Mr.Gaunt," Griphook said string down at us.

  "Hello Griphook," I nodded. "Me and my friends need to speak with Ragnook for a few minutes."

  "Of course sir," he said and scrambled down from the podium and disappeared through a door.

  "Mr.Gaunt, Mr.Longbottom and Miss Lovegood," Ragnook said. "Follow me to a more private area."

  "Ragnook," I asked after we had entered a private room. "I was wondering if you could tell me where I got my creature form from. Which of my parents?"

  "You're mother," he said. "You're father being a half blood didn't inherit any creature or magical being. I was very close to the Potter family and James Potter was one of the few wizards that treated my kind as equals. I helped him when he went through his creature inheritance while here are Gringotts. When the first war started and James found out he was pregnant he came here and told me he knew something bad would happen and when his child came her asking questions to give them this. I have kept that promise."

  I reached out and grabbing the folded parchment.

  "Mr.Gaunt, would you like to go see you're vaults today?"

  "No," I said pocketing the letter. "Has anyone been taking things out of my vaults?"

  "Yes," Ragnook said and I parchment appeared in front of him. "Albus Dumbledore, Molly Weasley, Ronald Weasley, Ginny Weasley and Peter Pettigrew."

  "Ragnook," I smiled. "I want his withdraws from my vaults stopped and any money that Dumbledore or anyone else has  taken out I want back with interest, because I never gave them permission to take anything."

  "Of course Mr.Gaunt​," Ragnook said with a creepy smirk.

  "We need to go before the train leaves," I said looking at Luna and Neville. "Thank you for the help and I will probably be back soon to remove any unwanted blocks​, spells, or potions that have been given to me. Oh and could you send this letter to my father."

  "Of course Lord Gaunt​," Ragnook said. "I will send it him to him soon."

  "Thank you Ragnook," I smiled pulling Luna and Neville out of Gringotts.

  "How are we going to get to King's Crossing?" Neville asked. "We won't make it in time."

  "Yes we will, just hang onto Ivory and Zero." I said grabbing both Luna and Neville's hand and apparating us to platform nine-and-three-quarters. "Let's go find an empty compartment, I don't want to sit anywhere near Ron or Ginny."

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