📃Chapter Fourteen

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  I stood in the shadows with Selina as all of the death eaters argued about non-important things when Tom slammed a pile of papers on the table shutting them up.

  "Recently we have gotten two notes from someone who goes by the name of Chaos," Tom said in a deadly calm voice. "We found out that my son, Hadrian and Severus's daughter, Selina are alive and had been under our observation for several years now. In the last forty eight hours Hadrian and Selina have returned home and will be joining are side of this idiotic war Albus started."

  "Welcome home our Dark Prince and Selina," Tom said and I nodded at Kitty as we walked over to the table.

  "Who were you before you went through you're inheritance?" the senior Goyle asked.

  "Hermione Granger," Selina said moving so she was perched on the arm of Severus's chair. "Although I knew I had been adopted by my muggle parents."

  "What about you Dark Prince?" the senior Knot asked and I turned my to him before scanning the rest of the table.

  "Harry Potter," I said smirking at all of the shocked, guilty, and angry faces. "Just so you know I never planned on killing anyone, even though all of you tried to kill me. Father if that is all I will be in the library with my crew."

  "You declared a death signature," a quiet but deadly voice rang through the room and I cursed silently stepping away from the table and looking down. "You know the rules on which I set on that Chaos."


  I felt a shiver a fear run down my spine and I pulled Selina fully in my lap watching as Hadrian paled before stepping away and dropping his gaze to the floor.

  "Everytime you make a death signature it upsets the balance," the quiet voice said and Hadrian whimpered as he stumbled back and suddenly he was wrapping in the arms of a man wearing a dark black cloak with the hood up.

  "Sorry master," Hadrian whispered whining when the man placed his head close too Hadrian's neck.

  "You should be," the man muttered. "I'm having a hard enough time trying to settle the balance because a death signature wasn't fulfilled."

  "Who are you?" Selina asked causing Hadrian and the figure to look up.

  "You couldn't of waited until we didn't have an audience," Hadrian groaned shoving away the figure.

  "Where's the fun in that," he laughed pulling the hood down. "Killian Prevelle, pleasure to meet you."

  "The same," Selina smiled.

  "You should know who he really is," Hadrian muttered grabbing Selina and dragging her with him.

  "He's mad," Killian pouted before smirking and snapping his fingers causing the cloak to disappear. "Pleasure gentlemen."

  "Hadrian has some interesting friends," Mulciber said and a few people nodded in agreement.

*Albus Dumbledore*

  I haven't been able to find Harry or Ms.Granger for two days and Serverus isn't telling me anything finally snapping I wrote a letter and handing it to Hedwig after charming it sending her to deliver it to Harry. Smirking I walked down the secret passage and stared at the unconscious mutt casting a silent Crucio curse listening to the mutt cry out.

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