📃Chapter Sixteen

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  I entered Gringotts with my father and Draco by my side, scanning to main room I walked over to Griphook and waited for him to notice me.

  "Lady Snape, Lord Snape, Young Lord Malfoy," the goblin said.

  "I need to speak with Ragnook," I said calmly and the goblin nodded walking around the podium and down a hall.  

  "Lady Snape," Ragnook said when we entered the office and I flicked my wrist causing a powerful ward to go up.

  "I need mine and Hadrian Gaunt's school papers fixed correctly and a letter sent to Minerva McGonagall about getting me and Hadrian resorted."

  "Of course Lady Snape," Ragnook nodded. "It will be done shortly."

  "I will be back to pick up the papers in a few hours," I smiled turning around to face my bonded and father. "I need to get mine and Hadrian new school shopping done and need to make a stop in Knock-Turn Ally."

  "Lead the way," Draco said and I smiled walking past them and out of the goblin building. After making a mental list I skip down the street humming until I reached Flourish and Blotts, picking out two trunks, one black and silver with a lily shaped lock and the other black and silver with a snake shaped lock, new notebooks one hundred, two four pack quills, four jars of ink, a new telescope, two cauldrens, two potions kits, tarror cards, after paying I put my things in my trunk I set Hadrian's in his and shrunk them down so they'd fit in my pocket. Smiling I grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him to Burgan and Brooks, as I moved around the shop I put my books in Draco's arm and Hadrian's in fathers as I went through my book list, two first-seventh year, two Hogwarts: A History, one Pure-Blood Ettiquet, two Ministry History, two Ministry Law, two Creature History, two Creature Law, two How-To Animagi, one Quitich Through The Ages, one Quitich 101, one Aurua History, two Ministry Rules and Regulations, two Healing/Advanced Healing, one Rare Plants, one Rare Potions, one Rare Herbs, one Poisenous Plants, one Deadly Potions, one Poisenous Herbs, after paying I put the right books in the right trunk before shrinking them again and walking out of the books shop and across the street to Madam Malkins.

  "What can I help you three with?" Madam Malkins asked and I pulled out the paper that had Hadrians measurements wrote down.

 "I need twelve school robes, twelve regulation school uniforms and three winter cloaks lines with emerald green, twenty royalty dress robes, twenty long sleeve dress shirts, twenty dress pants, ten everyday long sleeve shirts, ten pairs of styled jeans with this measurements." I said handing her the measurements. "For me I need twelve school robes, twelve regulation school uniforms and three winter cloaks lined with silver, twenty royalty dress robes, twenty dresses, twenty dress long sleeve shirts, twenty dress pants, ten everyday long sleeve shirts, ten everyday short sleeve shirts, ten pairs of styled shorts and ten pairs of styled jeans."

  "Alright, why don't you have a look around and see if you need anything else and you're order will be done in a bit." Nodding I moved around the shop picking mine and Hadrian other things out. For Hadrian I grabbed two packs of boxers, two knee high boots, two ankle boots, a pair of black high tops with emerald green shoe strings, hair kit, and black swim trunks setting them on the counter before going to pick mine out. Walking around I grabbed ten undergarment sets, ten nighties, twenty neon colored socks, one pair thigh high boots, two knee high boots, two ankle books, two high tops black and green, three pair of heels black white and grey,hair kit, nail and makeup kit, and a black sparkly bikini and placed them on the counter just as Madam Markins came back with the cloths, after paying I set the correct things in the correct trunk shrinking them and exiting the shop.

  "Now where?" Draco asked.

  "I'll have to come back with Hadrian so he can get a new owl, so the Quitich Shop." I smiled walking into the store for the first time in my life. "Dray, can you pick Hadrian out some new gear while I look at something else."

  "Yeah," he smiled walking off and I walked over to the jewelry picking out a snitch choker necklace and earrings for me and meeting Draco by the counter paying for everything and tossing the gear in Hadrian's trunk and slipping my jewelry in my pocket walking beside Draco.

  "There are two shops in Knock-Turn I need to visit and I will be a while so why don't you guys go get the paperwork from Ragnook and I'll meet you in front of The Leaky Cauldron." I said and they started to argue but I apparated to an empty ally in Knock-Turn smirking as I snapped my fingers summoning my silver cloak and slipping it on pulling the hood up and making my way to Demon Spawn, a jewelry and tattoo shop.

  "You lost sweetheart?" the man at the counter asked not looking up from the Dailey Profit.

  "No," I snapped moving towards the back where the more dark jewelry was and stood there looking over them until I found what I was looking for, smirking I gabbed it and a pendant and moved closer to the front picking out three leather bands and going to the counter.

    "That all?" he asked looking over my purchases.

  "Yes," I snapped handing him the money and walking out of the shop and moving through the shadows and into the dark magic books shop moving through the shelves until I found the one I wanted and quickly paid for it and exited finding an empty ally and apparating to The Leaky Cauldron walking past Tom and over to father and Draco who both looked worried. Smirking I grabbed their arms and apparated us back to Gaunt Manor snorting when the both fell to the ground and I scanned the room taking note that we interrupted a DE meeting.

  "Who are you?" someone asked and I shrugged wordlessly banishing my cloak.

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