📃Chapter Thirty Nine

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{Note: I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes and dedicate this chapter to them.

 AngelaWhitehouse sierravanmeter12335 babygoth101

Voldemortskid123 YaoiLover217 Otaku10152002


Fave HP Quote? Dobby didn't to kill only maim or seriously injure }


  It has been six days since Hadrian woke up and is back to normal so I brought all the kids back to Hogwarts and they have been skipping potions class and haven't been staying in the dorm rooms and after two weeks I have finally had enough of their disappearing acts and want to know what is going on.

  "Ms.Lovegood," I said and she looked up from the journal she was drawing in.

  "Raven," she smiled.

  "Where are Hadrian and Selina?" I asked and she stood up walking away so I followed after her until we can to a stretch of wall on the seventh floor.


  "So how are we going to get your father to agree to this crazy ass plan of yours?" Sel asked as we looked at the papers laid out on the table. "Cause I have a feeling he won't approve of you killing yourself to stop Albus."

  "If that's what has to happen then it will happen," I said going over the papers. "But too many magical children are being placed with muggles and being abused I will not let anymore end up hurt and confused."

  "Killing yourself won't help anything."

  "Papa," Sel said and I looked up to see Severus staring at me and I sighed.

  "Selina, can you turn my homework into Minnie?" I asked handing her the folder that has all my homework in it and she pulled Luna out with her leaving me alone with Severus. 

  "What did Selina mean by killing yourself won't help?" he asked and I sighed.

  "Nothing," I shrugged not wanting to explain anything to him. "Was there something you needed?"

  "You've been skipping classes," he said and I nodded gathering all the papers together and locking them in my spare trunk with parcel lock.  "Why?"

  "Planning," I mumbled grabbing my cloak and mask. "I've got to meet Killian so I will see you later."

  "Hadrian," he went to say but I twisted my ring and vanished from ROR and stumbled into Killian who wrapped his arms around me.


  After disappeared and quickly made my way to my personal corridors and flooed to Gaunt Manor finding Remus and Sirius in the library talking.

  "Sevvy," Sirius grinned and I grabbed his shirt collar and dragging him after me with Remus following and I threw open Tom's office door startling him and James.

  "Severus," Tom said and I shoved Sirius into a chair muttering as I closed the door behind Remus and threw up several wards before turning to see several confused expression.

  "Hadrian is planning something and I don't think he expects to come out of it alive," I said and quickly explained what I had heard of Hadrian and Selina's conversation.

  "Severus keep an eye on him when he returns," Tom said and I nodded listening to Remus whisper to Sirius.


After getting my bearings I glanced up at Killian who smiled and kissed my forehead. Shaking my head I stepped back and glanced up at the house that was currently housing four magical children with two Muggle parents.


"Let's get this done," I said sliding my cloak and mask on before blasting the door open.


I stayed back watching as Hadrian dealt with the muggles before he walked to a closet door opening it and pulled his mask off speaking softly for a minute before four small bodies wrapped themselves around him and he stood up.

"Let's get out of here," he said and I nodded grabbing two of the small children and apparated back to my manor and laid the two boys on a bed and watched Hadrian lay the smallest girl between them but kept the older one in his arms. "I'm going to return her to her father then I'll be back."

"Wait, Hadrian," I said but he popped out and I looked wide eyed at the two sleeping boys and the wide eyed baby girl who started giggling. "Uh."

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