📃Chapter Twenty Seven

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(⏫Sirius and Peter before the betrayal)



   I watched amused as the headmaster threw a fit because he no longer had the two animagi and vampire halfling .

  "Kill the spawn for screwing up my plans," he kept saying and I scowled.


  I watched as the flaming chickens panicked and argued trying to figure out why they couldn't get into Grimmwauld Place.

  "It's so much different," Selina said looking around the parlor.

  "I had Kreature put the things that Molly and Albus had thrown out back," I said turning to look at them. "Swift Paw, get ready it's time to show who owns this place."

  "Yes Chaos," the said disappearing to get changed into their uniforms.

  "What are you going to do?" Draco asked and I smirked wandlessly summoned my mask slipping it on.

  "Show them they messed with the wrong family," I shrugged before apparating outside but staying invisible.

  "Leave,"  Paw growled popping up behind the group.

  "You're not welcome here," Swift growled leaning against the gate.

  "Who are you?" Molly demanded.

  "I'm Swift and he's Paw," Swift said and both their eyes flashed gold. "Your trespassing on Black property."

  "We own this," Ginny said hiding behind Ron.

  "What do you want death eater?" Ron sneered.

  "We are not death eaters, Ronald," I said finally making myself known.

  "Who the bloody hell are you?" He glared.

  "Someone Albus Percical Wulfric Brain Dumbledore pissed off," I glared. "Doubt the words that man says or you will lose all you have."

  "Albus Dumbledore is an honest wizard," Molly yelled.

   "Open your eyes woman," I growled. "That man has lied to everyone, torn families apart, separated mates, placed magical children in abusive homes or made think think they are muggle born. If you follow him​ you will end up on deaths list sooner than later."

  "Chaos reigns," Swift and Paw growled as we apparated inside.


  I watched shocked as Hadrian told the Weasels off before popping back inside.

  "Can't believe I was ever friends with that fool," he growled ripping his mask off. "Kreature!"

  "Master called," an old angry looking​ house elf popped in.

  "I want you to deliver two letters," he said pulling a two parchment. "This one to Aberforth and the other Albus. Don't let Albus see you."

  "Yes master," Kreature said taking the letters and popping out.

  "Let's get back to the manor," Hadrian sighed rubbing his forehead. "I have planning to do."


  After everyone apparated out I set a few more security wards before I followed after them and finding an amusing scene. Lysander and Lucious were laid out on the ground unconscious with James and Sirius hovering over them, Bella and Cissa were crying with Lily crushed between them, Remus and Sev looked amused, while Tom and Ferenir just had blank expressions.

  "This is an interesting sight," I chuckled catching everyone's attention, shaking my head I walked over to casting a wandless reverate and pushing James and Siri back as Lucius and Lysander sat up nearly butting heads with them. "What happened here?"

•Shock.• Nyx purred rubbing up against my legs. •The females screamed, then the males hit the ground.•

  "Right," I hummed running my fingers across Nyx's head. "Badger Pheonix, come with me we have thing to do."

  They nodded standing up and their clothes changed into their uniforms as they grabbed my arms and I apparated us out of the manor.


  "We won't be seeing them for a while," I sighed sitting in Draco's lap.

  "What do you mean?" James asked confused helping Lucious off the ground.

  "I haven't been apart of Chaos Crew very long but I do know when Hadrian​ takes off with Nev and Luna he won't come back for several hours to several days." I said wordlessly summoning my ministry law book. "Therefore, they are doing something that Drian doesn't want anyone knowing about."

  "More secrets," dad and Remus grumbled.

  "Hadrian has more secrets than Uncle Tom and Albus put together and he has them for a reason," I said not looking up from my book. "He keeps his secrets so everyone else can have a somewhat normal day even if he nearly ends up dying in the process."

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