📃Chapter Ten

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  "Who would be first?" Ragnook asked.

  "I prefer to go last," I said when I saw Remus look at me and opened his mouth. "If you don't mind Ragnook."

  "Of course not child," the goblin nodded and Lucious leaned forward grabbing the knife and slicing his finger​ letting his blood drop on the parchment, everyone took a turn until it was my turn and I was nervous knowing mine would be longer than everyone's put together.

  "Now for you Hadrian," Ragnook said handing me the knife and I quickly sliced my finger dropping blood on the parchment before sitting back and muttering a simple healing charm watching the parchment fill out with all of my information and I shrunk down in my seat by the time it was finished everyone had shocked looks on there faces except Neville and Luna.

  "Dear sweet Merlin," Narcissa whispered and I sunk further into the couch knowing someone was going to snap.

*Tom Marvollo Riddle Gaunt*

  Keep my blank mask on I grabbed Hadrian's parchments and read what it said.

Hadrian James Potter Riddle Gaunt

Age One:
Eyes injured from unknown source, Scarring on forehead
Age Two:
Dehydrated and Malnourished, Left and right wrist broken twice, Left arm sprained then broken, Three bruised ribs, Broken left leg, Sprained right ankle
Age Three:
Dehydrated and Malnourished, Cracked skull, Mild concussion, Broken nose, Dislocated right shoulder and left knee, Back ripped open, Third degree burn on left forearm
Age Four:
Dehydrated and Malnourished, Broken collarbone, Broken left arm, Bruised throat
Age Five:
Dehydrated and Malnourished, Shattered left ankle, Four bruised ribs, Three broken ribs, Chest carved open, Bad concussion
Age Six:
Dehydrated and Malnourished, Broken nose, Mild concussion, Back carved and sliced open
Age Seven:
Dehydrated and Malnourished, Bruised body, Arms and legs sliced open, Frostbite
Age Eight:
Dehydrated and Malnourished, Cracked skull, Broken nose, Heat stroke
Age Nine:
Dehydrated and Malnourished, Shattered left wrist, Broken right arm, Both legs badly sprained, Chest and back carved open, Forced sexual intercourse
Age Ten:
Dehydrated and Malnourished, Several heat strokes, Six broken ribs, Shattered collarbone
Age Eleven:
Malnourished, Arms carved open, Several bruised ribs, Several first and second degree burns
Age Twelve:
Malnourished, Bruised body, Cracked ribs, Sprained left ankle, Bones disappeared from left arm, Posioned snake bike
Age Thirteen:
Malnourished, Badly beaten body, Forced sexual intercourse
Age Fourteen:
Malnourished, Badly bruised ribs and back, Internal bleeding, Legs scraped and sliced open, Bruised chest, Sliced left forearm
Age Fifteen:
Malnourished, Badly beaten body, Right hand internal scarring, Forced sexual intercourse
Age Sixteen:
Malnourished, Sliced open chest back arms and legs, Bruised body, Forced sexual intercourse, Bruised throat
Age Seventeen:
Malnourished, Bruised back, cracked ribs, sprained ankle

Unwanted Spells, Potions:
Age One: Obliviate, Mind Magic, Unforgivable curse
Age Two-Ten:Obliviate, Mind Magic
Ages Eleven-Fourteen:
Hate Potion(Slytherin, Tom Riddle, Malfoy, Severus Snape)
Trust Potion(Albus Dumbledore, Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley)
Love Potion (Ginny Weasley)
Truth Potion (Albus Dumbledore, Ron Weasley)

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