📃Chapter Forty-Three

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*Tom(Basilisk)Marvollo Riddle Gaunt*

  James was pacing the library floor as we waited for news on Hadrian and I watched helplessly since I had no idea on how to help him settle. But I was startled when Severus popped in front of James who hadn't seen him and they landed on the ground.

  "WATCH IT," Severus yelled.

  "Sorry," James said moving off Severus and I moved forward helping him stand. "How's Hadrian? Is he okay? Where is he?"

  "Hadrian is fine, a little bruised up from everything but in one piece, and Poppy is looking Hadrian, Remus, and the devil twins over while cussing Albus over for what he has done again to another teen," Severus said and James sagged against me.

  "Who was it this time?" I asked referring to the new werewolf.

  "Blaise Zambini," Severus sighed. "And he wasn't bitten he was spelled by protecting Neville from Albus."

  "Wait Albus spell another teen?" Lily asked confused and Severus nodded. "Who?"

  "Fred and George," he said sitting on the couch. "They were in the place at the wrong time and Albus spelled them. That was why they dropped out of school in the first place."

  "Oh," Lily gasped.


  "HAD!" Neville yelled as he ran into the medi wing and slid to a stop in front of the three beds that we all occupied at the moment. "Are you guys okay?"

  "I've had worse," I shrugged. "Where were you?"

  "Locked in Albus's personal cells," he grumbled. "Holly let me out."

  "Hadrian," Kingsley said and I looked up at him. 

  "Kingsley," I said tilting my head to the side.

  "I've reviewed all of the memories and I give special permission for the Chaos Crew to take the true evil lord out," he said and I nodded. "Just make it look accidental."

  "With pleasure," the devil twin growled their eyes flashing gold as they sat on either side of Blaise who was sleeping.

"I'll take care of it as soon as we get Blaise and Remus back home," I said and Kingsley nodded as he headed back towards Poppy's office as she came out.

  "Its a wonder you are still alive after everything you've been put through," Poppy said and grinned.

  "Can't kill the master of death," I smirked and she shook her head.

  "All of you go home to your family and get Mr.Zambini somewhere else just in case Albus decides he needs another person as an anger outlet," she said and we all nodded. "Use the floo in my office."

  "Thank you, Poppy," I smiled and she nodded. "Sel, go ahead and tell everyone we're coming. Neville help me get Remus up and to the floo. Devil's take Blaise and go with Selina."


  After helping the devil's get Blaise through the floo I followed after them and appeared in the library where all the adults were sitting and I sighed walking over to Draco and sitting down beside him.

  "Drian is bringing Remus and Neville through," I said. "Kingsley gave us special permission to end Albus with the condition we make it look like an accident."

  "So we get to torture him?" Bellatrix asked and before I could reply the floo lit up and three people came through.

  "No one touches Albus but me and I am taking him down once and for all," Hadrian said and I looked in his eyes gasping when I saw how bright the red flecks were and I was actually scared of him.

  "Chaos," Neville went to say but didn't get to finish because Hadrian disapparated with a resounding pop.

  "He looked terrifying just then," Draco said and Neville cursed.

  "SWIFT! PAW! WE NEED TO GO FIND CHAOS BEFORE HE STARTS A FOURTH WIZARDING WAR! HE LET THE BEAST FREE!" Neville yelled and I heard two growls before the devil's walked in wearing their Chaos gear. "Kitty stay here and watch over Blaise so the devils can help me. Draco, find Luna and watch her."

  "Hadrian can't cause that much damage...Can he?" Lily asked unsurely.

 "Watch this memory," Neville said pulling a vile out of his robes. "This will show you what happened last time Chaos let the beast free." 

  Before anyone could say anything the tree boy disapparated with a pop and we all stared at the memory that Neville had placed on the table. After staring at the small vile for a few minutes Tom got up and waved his hand causing a Pensieve to appear and after he poured the memory in we all got pulled into the memory I wasn't sure I wanted to see.


Its getting exciting isn't it...

Anyways I need a little help...

I need torture ideas for Albus...

And ideas for what should happen to Ron...

Comment below with your ideas...Thanks

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