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Thirteen Years Later:

  Many things have changed and were revealed in the wizarding world in the past thirteen years;

  Firstly at the ministry, Kingsley Shacklebolt was made minister and with the help of Tom, they have gone through many of the old ministry laws and removing a lot of the ones that hampered many of the magical creatures and have created several new laws to help the wizarding world. Secondly, Mad-Eye Moody was reinstated Auror and made Head of the department along with the help of his bonded, Nymphadora Tonks-Moody. Together they have gone through the prisoner at Azkaban and have released the prisoners that should have already been released or where placed there illegally. Thirdly, Sirius was finally given a trial and was proven innocent and was reinstated as an Auror part-time.

Now at Hogwarts, many things got changed, Minerva McGonagall was appointed Headmistress and Severus Snape was given the title of assistant headmaster while keeping his job as potions professor.  Lily Evans-Snape was given the job as muggle studies professor and was made head of Gryffindor house. Remus Lupin was given the job of ancient runes professor. Fenrir Greyback was given the job as Defense Against the Dark Art professor. Narcissa Malfoy a medi-witch who works with Poppy in the infirmary. James Potter-Gaunt was given the position of quidditch professor.

  After graduating, Hadrian Gaunt-Prevelle got the job of Dark Arts professor. Selina Snape-Malfoy was given the job as librarian and Ravenclaw head of house at Hogwarts while her bonded, Draco Malfoy is the flying instructor and Slytherin head of house. Neville Longbottom became the Hufflepuff head of house and Herbology professor when he isn't helping his bonded, Luna Lovegood-Longbottom with her magizoologist job for the Quibbler. Fred and George Weasley re-opened their job shop and have come up with a new line of products that are used for Aurors to use in their jobs. Blaise Zambini-Weasley works at Hogwarts as pureblood etiquette professor. Charlie Weasley is now the top dragon trainer in all of the wizarding world. Bill Weasley is the top curse breaker at Gringotts while his bonded Fleur Delacour-Weasley is a healer at St.Mungo's along with Angel. Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnagin-Thomas are both Aurors.

  Over the last thirteen years, the new generation of wizards and witches has been welcomed into the world.

Selina and Draco:
Adonis and Adele(12)
Sarah and Scorpius(11)
Rain and Rose(10)

Fred, George, and Blaise:

Neville and Luna:
Lorcan and Lyssander(11)

Dean and Seamus:

Bellatrix and Lysander:
Landon and Laydon(18)

Severus and Lily:

Fenrir, Remus, and Sirius:
Virgo and Teddy(11)

Alice and Frank:

Lucius and Narcissa:

Killian and Hadrian:
James Sirius and Severus Killian(12)

Tom and James:
Hailey and Hayden(12)


  I watched as all the parents talked to their children before I turned to the group of pre-teens in front of me as they all stared at the chaos surrounding the platform.

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