📃Chapter Thirty Five

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*Tom(Basilisk)Marvollo Riddle Gaunt*

  I send the charm again along with Severus and it broke through Hadrian's mind shield and I was pulled into his memoies.

~Memories(will change rapidly)~
(Tom is seeing the same memories as Severus did)

I was standing in a hallway I could here movement in another part of the house but I was captivated by a picture on the wall, it was a big round child, a big round whale of a man and a tall thin woman who looked like a perfect family.

"Get in here freak," an angry voice yelled startling me and a small boy around the age of two through me and around the corner. Curious I follow the boy and froze in the doorway when I saw a purple whale of a man holding the young boys throat yelling at him.

"Vernon don't kill him," the scratching voice of a woman said and the man dropped the boy kicking him in the stomach.

"Go make supper then go to the cupboard," the man said and the small boy got up rushing to the kitchen and I gasped when I recognized the green eyes.

I was suddenly standing outside and I could hear yelling and feet hitting the ground and I turned around to see the small body of what I think is a six year old black haired boy running away from a gang of boys that were three times his size.

"Get back here you little freak," the biggest of the boys yelled just as the small child tripped and slammed into the ground.

"Look Dudley we caught Harry," a tall boy laughed kicking the small boy in the side.

"Please don't," the small boy whimpered cowering on the ground.

"Quiet," the round boy snapped stomping on the boys wrist and I heard the snap and the other boys laughed and proceeded to kick and kick the poor boy.

I was standing at the train station when a car pulled up and a small boy was kicked out of the car with a trunk and bird cage thrown on top of him before the car pulled away.

"Sorry Hedwig," the small boy said checking the white owl over before standing up and pulling his trunk after him til he found a trolley and set his trunk on it and placed the owl on top of his trunk and started looking around the station until he watched a bunch of red heads run through the wall between platforms nine and ten.

I looked around the the room and realized I was in one Gryffindor dorm rooms when I heard a pained groan, walking to the side of a bed I found a body struggling to stand up while holding his sides.

"Killer lion," the boy grumbled wincing as he pulled his school robe on and walked out the door only to be shoved back when a red head punched his nose.

"Going somewhere Potter," the red head sneered. "No one said you could leave."

"I have class Ron," Harry said wiping the blood off.

"No you don't," the red head smirked. "You have the same classes as me and we have free class so your all mine for the next hour."

"Oh joy," Harry muttered just before the red head proceeded to beat him.

Now I was standing in an horridly bright pink office that had cats everywhere and I shivered in disgust when the sickly sweet voice of Delores Umbridge spoke.

"Sit down Mr.Potter." Turning around I saw Harry sit at a small desk and a parchment paper was placed before him.

"Since you think it good to lie you are going to write 'I mustn't tell lies' until it sinks in," Umbridge said and Harry sighed bending down to his backpack when a quill and inkwell were placed on the table. "Your going to use one of my quills."

I watched Harry start writing before he flinched and looked down at his hand and I as 'I mustn't tell lies' etched into his skin and I realized he was using a blood quill.

I was now standing in a room that could be described as a blanket closet when I caught movement on the cot that was pushed against a wall. I watched as the black haired teen stared at a broken clock before he curled into a fetal position holding his head as two cat ear appeared. Hearing a calming hoot the teen stood up and walked over to the broken wardrobe and I watched him blinked shocked in the broken mirror that was attached to the side when a pop sounded and several things dropped onto the cot as the teen muttered and whined as he opened the letters. After sending the owl off the teen packed his trunk and made his way out of the room and everything around me faded.

~Memories End~

  Pulling out of his mind I shook my head as Hadrian screamed as he started crying and breathing heavily before he slumped to the ground.

  "Hadrian," I said worried as the Weasley twins check him over and the taller one picked him up.

  "He's okay just passed out," he sighed as his brother picked up their discarded wands. "But there's no telling what he'll be like when he wakes."

  "Take him to his room and someone go get Angel," I said staring at the son as he was carried towards the manor.

  "T-Tom," Severus whispered and I nodded before we headed for the manor.

*James(Prongs)Potter Gaunt*

  I buried my head in Tom's chest after he and Sev told us what memories they had seen when they broke Hadrian's mind shield. 

  "He'll be okay we will heal his pain," Tom said and I nodded letting my tears soak his shirt.

  "Who is this Umbitch woman?" Lily demanded.

  "She the under secretary at the ministry," Lucius said and I turned to see him shiver.

  "She looks like a pink toad," Draco said.

  "More like a pink she devil who needs to meet Hagrid's baby brother and a few creatures from the forbidden forest again." Selina snorted cuddling into Draco's side. "She hates kids and was a horrible teacher, she banned all clubs, made curfew so that lights out was at seven, boys and girls were separated in class, made Hadrian have detention with her every night, made the entire school except a select few use blood quills, and she tried to use a Crucio on Hadrian before I stepped in."

  "SHE WHAT?!" Narcissa and Lily yelled. 

  "Blood quills were banned for a reason," Lucius said angrily. "They poison the user and whatever was written with it forces the user to obey."

  "Were you kids forced to use them?" I asked.

   "Hadrian, Neville, Fred, George, Luna and I did," Selina said. "Draco, Blaise, and the rest of the Slytherins didn't because they were on Umbitches side."

  "Draconian Lucien Malfoy," Cissa gasped and Draco lost all his color. "You know better than to side with that kind of person."

  "Sorry mother," he said and yelped when she sent a hex at him.

  "Angel," Tom said and I turned to stare at our healer.

  "How is he? Is he okay?" I asked worried about my son.

  "There was nothing I could heal," Angel said and I bite my lip. "When you broke into his mind several different mind spells broke all at once and his mind just shut down. He put himself into a healing coma and I don't know when he will come out of it. When he wakes up my advice would be watch over him and make sure you don't leave him alone at all."

  "Thank you Angel," Lily said and Angel nodded before disapperating.

  "Now we wait," Selina sighed and I headed up to Hadrian's room and sitting on the bed beside him running a hand through his hair.

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