📃Chapter Twenty Eight

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  I walked through the deceased wizard and witches looking through the isles until I found a box labeled James and Lily Potter's wands and magical items, rolling my eyes I pulled it down and shifted through the contents find several items I didn't know they ever had possession of. Shaking my head I grabbed the bag Pheonix was handing to me and I cast a expanding charm on it before dumping the entire box into it.

  "Let's go," I growled grabbing her arm and apparating us to where Badger was waiting for us. "Did you find them?"

  "Over there," he said pointing at Rita and Marcus.

  "Good​, let's get this over with." I smirked gliding over to Rita. "Ms.Rita, Marcus, thank you for meeting me here."

  "Of course, Chaos." Rita said and Marcus shrugged.

  "I need this printed for tomorrow's Daily Profit," I smirked handing her a parchment. "Print correctly and our little secret stays secret."

  "Of course Chaos," she nodded rapidly and scurried away.


  "Yes Marcus," I said turning to look at him.

  "Have you had time to look at the information I gave you?" He asked shifting his feet.

  "I have," I nodded pulling another parchment and charmed photo out of my cloak. "This is the name she is going by now, it will take a little while longer before we can move her. We'll get your daughter back as soon as it is safe."

  "Thank you," he whispered looking down at the picture, smiling softly I walked away and meeting Pheonix and Badger by the door.

  "Now what?" Badger asked.

  "Christmas shopping," I smiled banishing our uniform cloaked for two pain black and purple ones. "After all Christmas is in two days."

  "You're second family Christmas," Neville said and I nodded following after a skipping Luna. Chuckling I pulled the two bluish purple potions bottles out of my pocket and glancing at Neville before walking to the apparation point and landing on my ass just outside St.Mungo Psychiatric Ward, looking around I pushed the door open and walking up to the desk while grumbling about stupid magical travel.

*Tom(Bascalisk)Marvolo Riddle Gaunt*

  I was working on paperwork when James walked into my office with a sad expression sitting in the chair across from me, curious I noticed his occlummency walls were down.


  "I missed Hadrian growing up," he mumbled and I sent him a small smile reaching over to push the hair out of his eyes. "Our baby has been abused almost his entire life."

  "Albus will pay for what he has done," I said running a finger down his cheek.

  "After everything has calmed down I will look into getting you and Lily back you're wands until then I think Hadrian has his quittich equipment in his room."

  He hummed standing up and leaving probably to go get a broom to fly on, shaking my head I went back to the ministry contracts.

*Remus(Moony)Lupin Greyback*

  I sat beside Severus while watching James and Sirius fly around the yard on the brooms from Draco and Hadrian's rooms.

  "Albus is planning something big," I said biting my bottom lip nervously.

  "I know," Sev sighed as he glanced back at the house when Cissa, Bella, and Lily were decorating for chrismas that is in a two days. "We need to keep the fact that we have our bonded's back secret, while keeping the kids safe."

  "Hadrian's a smart child but he always seems to end up in some sort of trap that Albus sets," I said remembering what Hadrian had told us his life was like. "I'm just worried he's going to run off and try to end Albus alone. Even if he has his own little army."

  "I'll speak with him before we go back to Hogwarts," Severus said patting my shoulder. "I'm going to start on yours and Ren wolfbane potions."

*Lily(Lilith)Evens Snape*

  I watched as Severus headed to the potions lab before I turned back to Cissa and Bella who were charming the tree so the pine needles stayed on it. Biting my lip I looked through the box of ornaments finding the first christmas ornaments shaped as a dragon, a snitch, and a cauldron.

  "Lil, you okay?" Cissa asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

  "No," I whispered holding the snitch and cauldron ornaments to my chest. "James and I have missed out on so much of our kids lives and seeing them grown up hurts. Hadrian has been hurt so much and there's nothing we can do to take that mental pain away. I don't know how he hasn't had a breakdown yet."

  "Hadrian's a strong child," Cissa smiled sadly as her and Bella sat in either side of me. "Everyone knows he will eventually break and when he does all of us will be there for him. We won't let him go over the edge of insanity."

  I nodded standing up and hanging Draco's, Selina and Hadrian's ornaments on the tree.

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