📃Chapter Eight

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  "Cub?" Remus said shocked and I narrowed my eyes at them causing a whimper to leave Remus. The man at the head of the table made a noise and I turned my glare at him raising a brow.

  ":Are you going to finally kill me?:," I hissed at the man watching his lips twitch.

  ":No, my child.:," He hissed back and I narrowed my eyes weary of the man.

•Hadrian,• Nyx's voice broke my thought. •I can smell your​ blood. You are injured.•

•I'm fine Nyx.• I replied gently running my fingers over his head as I felt shirt get soaked through.

  "What do you want if you're not going to kill us?" I asked praying the wolves, veela, and vampire don't smell the blood currently soaking through my clothes.

  "Hadrian, you should watch you're tongue before it gets you in trouble."

  "Says the man who has tried to murder me on several occasions," I said suddenly feeling dizzy and seeing dark spots dance across my vision.


  I whimpered at the hate filled glare my cub gave me and sunk down in my seat watching Tom and Harry trade words before I caught a familiar scent that had my wolf whining, after a few minutes I reconized ​the scent just as Harry collapsed on the ground startling everyone in the room.

  "Crap," one of the teen said dropping down beside Harry before I got up and rushed over to my cub opening his robes to see that one side was soaked in blood.

  "He's not injured," I whispered confused until Redolphous's daughter spoke.

  "He's wearing glamour."

  I heard someone sighed and Severus bent down muttering a spell and there was a loud pop and Harry suddenly had a very different appearance.

  "Dear Merlin," Severus gasped before shaking his head. "Draco, go get Poppy and tell her to bring blood replinishers. I don't know how much of this I can heal."

  "What happened to him?" Someone asked and the male teen answered.

  "He can tell you after he wakes up."

"I'm taking him to his room to work on healing some of these bruises," Severus said standing up with my cub in his arms before walking out the door.

  "Blaise, take the other children to the parlor." Lucious said and the kids walked out of the room with the hybrid animal following.

  "That poor child," Narcissa said breaking the silence and I just kept staring at the door. "Who would do that to child?"

  "Mooney, go help Raven." Tom said and I ran out the door and up the stairs.

*Madame Poppy Pomphry*

  I looked up when my personal office floo lit up and Draco fell through, "Mr.Malfoy, what is the meaning of this?"

  "Snape needs you to come help him," he gasped looking paler than he normally does. "He also said to bring blood replinishers, Hadrian is injured badly."

  Nodding I quickly gathered my medical kit making sure that I had the right potions to heal Hadrian before following Draco to Riddle(Gaunt) Manor and rushing up the stirs to the dark princes room, moving Remus to the side I gasped at the damage I could see before I got to work waving my wand over him doing a diagnosis spell done.

  "Sweet Helga Hufflepuff," I gasped reading the parchments that showed me all of Hadrian's injured, handing Remus the parchment I started pouring pain reliever, bone healing, and blood replinishers potions down his throat while Severus rubbed healing salve across the bruises, scars and gashes that littered Hadrian's chest and arms.

*Albus Dumbledore*

  "What are you going to do if Harry isn't following the plan?" Molly asked.

  "Then he will be eliminated," I said.

  "What about my fortune?" Ginny demanded.

  "Yeah, if he dies what about our reward for hanging around him." Ronald said.

  "Don't worry," I said calmly. "You two go back to class and Molly let everyone know we're having a meeting tonight."

"Of course," Molly smiled and I waited until they left before growling and heading to the private cell the mutt was chained in.


  I was humming to myself while we waited for news on Hadrian when the room suddenly faded and I could was standing in what looked like a cell with a hunched over because of a chain round his neck. Jumping when the cell door burst open and I watched as a cloaked figure walked in and the prisoner raised his head.


  I had my arms wrapped loosely around Luna while I watched the snakes talk to themselves when Bill, Charlie, Percy and Tonks walked in finding a place to sit or leaned against a wall.

  "What are you guys doing here?" Percy asked but before anyone could answer Luna screamed and dropped to the floor mumbling the same line over and over.

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