📃Chapter Five

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  After me and Neville took our books back to the Gryffindor common room we ran across the courtyard to the astronomy tower and up the stairs finally reaching the top where Hermione was already waiting.

  "Are you alright Harry?" she asked as we walked up to her. "It was Ron that tossed wolf fang into you're potion."

  "I'm fine," I shrugged. "What did you want to talk about?"

  "Look at these," she sighed handing me a stack of parchments, confused I started to read the top one.


Birth Certificate Official:
Mother- Lilth Cassandra Evens Snape
Father- Severus Tobias Snape
Child- Selina Hermoine Snape
Date of Birth- September 19 1:00 a.m.
Blood Type- Full Blood

Living/Dead Relatives:
Lilth Snape- Mother (dead)
Severus Snape- Father
Tom Marvollo Riddle Gaunt- Godfather (in hiding)
James Potter-Riddle(Gaunt)- Godfather/Uncle (dead)
Hadrian Gaunt- Godbrother/Cousin (missing)
Neville Longbottom- Godbrother

  "When did you get this?" I asked handing the papers to Neville.

  "Right before school started," she whispered.

  "Dumbledore," I growled standing up walking over to the ledge rail. "He did this."

  "What are you talking about Harry?" She asked confused.

  "Do you remember if Dumbledore ever came to visit the Granger's house before you got your letter at eleven? "

  "Yeah," she nodded. "I remember him coming for a few times but why is that important?"

  "Because before today you said you knew nothing about this world," I growled walking into the shadows. "Dumbledore probably Obliviated you to not remember. Mione, don't tell anyone about what you know about what's on that paper or it will end up being bad for a lot of people."

  "I won't," she sighed. "I was going to tell Ron but I just suddenly get the feeling that he isn't as trustworthy I thought."

  "He's not," I said walking back over to her.  "Give me you're bracelet."

  "Why?" She asked but did what I asked as I quickly muttered a charm and warded it and linking it to mine, Neville's and Luna's before giving it back.

  "Don't ever take it off," I said. "Dumbledore is a lying power hunger wizard who is using everyone like a pawn in this war that he started. Ron and Ginny are two of the people I know that are working with him to keep me in the dark and I wasn't sure about you until right now."

  "We should probably get to dinner before someone starts looking for us," Neville said and I wrapped an arm around Mione.

  "Neville and Luna are on my side," I said. "They know what Dumb-as-a-dore has done to me so if you can't find me go to one of them. Hopefully, we can get enough evidence against Dumb-as-a-dore to get him sent to Azkaban."

  "I want to help Harry," she said and I nodded as we walked into the great Hall and sat down beside Dean and Seamus.

  "We'll talk more about this when we got to Hogsmeade on Saturday," I said so only she heard me before Ginny started asking me questions.

*Albus Dumbledore*

  I said in my chair watching as my pawn chatted with his 'friends' that I'm paying to keep an eye on him, I was angry that he was spending time with Longbottom but it wouldn't matter after my plans starts to come together. After he walked out of the great hall I made to my secret rooms that were hidden in my office walking to the only cell that was being occupied at the moment.

  "Mutt," I said looking at the chained animagi. "It seems you're little plan to save Harry didn't work out very well."

  "You sure," he said raising his head. "Hadrian is a smart boy he will realize what you are doing."

  "Crucio," I growled and grinned wickedly when he started screaming in pain. After a while he passed out and I left the cell walking back to my office satisfied with what I had done with the traitor.

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