📃Chapter Six

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  I huffed as Ron started talking some Slytherin that he has forced to have detention with yesterday when I spotted Neville by the door and I nodded getting up.

  "Sorry Ron," I said forcing myself to actually sound like I meant it. "But I have to study for the transfiguration quiz on Monday, so I'll see you later."

  "Okay mate," he nodded then started to stuff his face again and I rolled my eyes wondering why he was as big as Dudley is.

  "Sorry," I muttered following him down the corridor. "He cornered me and wouldn't stop talking. Are the girls already waiting for us?"

  "Yeah," he nodded. "We need to give Mione a name to hide her identity from the order when we're doing our meet ups."

  "We'll ask her what she thinks," I said and I think noticed that Neville was paler than he normally is. "Nev, are you okay?"

  "I'm fine," he said and I nodded although not entirely convinced.

  "Everyone ready?" I asked and they nodded so I cast a quick disillusion charm over us grabbing Luna and Hermione's hand. "Neville grab Luna I'm going to apparate us to Hogsmeade since it'll be quicker than walking.​"

  After we arrived in a shadowed alley in Hogsmeade I took down the Disillusion charm and pulled three cloaks out of my bag, one solid black, one pearl white and one emerald green.

  "You two go see if you can find any information out about what is going on in the order," I said to Neville and Luna. "I'm taking Mione to get her a cloak,  we'll meet you at the shrieking shack in three hours."

  "We have it handled Chaos," they said and quickly dispersed.

  "Chaos?" Mione asked confused as I pulled my hood up hiding my face.

  "I'll explain on the way," I said pulling her after me.

*Tom(Bascalis)Marvollo Riddle*

  I sat in my throne as I waited for the Inner Circle and Elite members to arrive, picking up The Daily Prophet I growled at the article about Albus Dumbledore and his Golden boy.

  "My lord," Lucious said and I look up to see everyone was here except Severus.

  "Where's Severus," I demanded just as the door slammed open and Severus stalked in taking his seat to my right. "You are late."

  "I was dealing with Albus," he said taking his seat. "He very angry at the moment."


  "His savior isn't doing what he wants," Severus said and some people mumbled. "Potter is spending more time with the Lovegood girl and Longbottom child and is obviously avoiding Albus."

  "Albus is losing his hold on the child," Lucious said with a smirk.

  "It seems that way," Serverus said. "But something happened to the boy before he returned back to Hogwarts, his scent has changed and his eyes have flashed a silver color when Longbottom is yelled at or cornered by other students."

  "He could  have gone through a creature or magical inheritance," Narcissa said.

  "Lily nor James had a creature gene," Severus said. "And if Potter did go through one he would have had to be very good at glamouring himself and to hide it from more experienced wizards."

  Suddenly there was a loud pop and a parchment landed on the table in front of me, confused and curious I reached out folding it open.

Tom Marvollo Riddle Gaunt,

I'm not sure if you will believe me when I say I think that several of your death eaters have been Obliviated. I am like you a pawn in a mad man quest for power. I know that you're family was taken from you by said mad man and I know that you're child is still alive. Inclosed is evidence to go with what I have said. Tell Snape that he should watch his back because at the moment his life is on a thin thread.
                                               Be in touch soon, Chaos

Birth Certificate Fake:
Mother- Lily Potter
Father- James Potter
Child- Harry James Potter
Date Of Birth- July 31 12:00 am
Blood Type- Half Blood
Inheritance- None

Birth Certificate Official:
Mother- James Potter Riddle Gaunt
Father- Tom Marvollo Riddle Gaunt
Child- Hadrian James Gaunt
Date of Birth- July 31 12:00am
Blood Type- Pure Blood
Inheritance- Half Neko, Animagi

Living/Dead Relatives:
James Potter Riddle Gaunt- Mother (dead)
Tom Marvollo Riddle Gaunt- Father (in hiding)
Lily Evens-Snape- Blood Adopted Aunt (dead)
Severus Snape- Blood Adopted Uncle
Remus Lupin-Greyback- Godfather
Sirius Black- Godfather (missing)
Lucious Malfoy- Godfather
Narcissa Malfoy- Godmother
Minerva McGonagall- Honorary Grandmother

    Growling my magic swirled around me and I heard something shatter before I took a calming breath and handed the papers to Severus I stood up placing my hands on the table.

  "Albus Dumbledore will pay for killing my bonded and taking the dark prince," I said darkly looking up to see everyone had murderous looks.

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