📃Chapter Four

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  I jerked awake breathing really heavy from the nightmare, groaning quietly I got up grabbing some clean school robes and heading to the boys dormatory to take a shower. After drying off and getting dressed I quickly and quietly made my way out of Gryffindor tower and going to Professor McGonagall's office, knowing she was there thanks to The Marauders Map.

  "Professor McGonagall," I called out knocking on the door and a second later it opened.

  "What is it Harry?" She asked and I walked over to the desk.

  "I have some personal private questions," I said and she nodded flicking her wrist.

  "Does this have to do with you leaving the Dursly's?" She asked and I nodded pulled the documents I had gotten from Gringotts the last few days out of my robes and handing them over to her.

  "Yes and no," I shrugged letting her read the parchments.

  "Dear Merlin," she gasped looking up at me. "Hadrian, take the glamour off."

  Nodding I took the glamour off my ears and looked down, when she walked around the desk.

  "Doesn't anyone else no about you're inheritance?"

  "Neville and Luna," I said pulling the glamour back up. "I only trust them with this. Ron and Ginny I don't trust after a few incidents last year and Hermoine, I don't know about her."

  "We'll need to keep this from Albus," she said. "I wont let him cause you anymore harm than he already has."

  "Thank you," I smiled relieved that she is trustworthy. "For helping me."

  "Hadrian, James and the rest of The Marauders gave me and the rest of the teachers a run for the galleons but there isn't anything I wouldn't do to help keep their youngest Marauder safe. Now you should get the The Great Hall for breakfast, I will see you in class."

  "Bye," I smiled quickly running off after shrinking the documents and sliding them in my pocket.


  Hours later I was walking with Neville into the potions lab, when Hermione cornered us.

  "Harry I need to speak with you privately after classes, meet me at the astronomy tower."

  "Wonder what that's about?" Neville whispered as we took the seats that were in front of Ron and Hermoine.

  "No idea," I whispered back looking at the board that now had instructions on it.

  "Open you're books to page one-hundred-fifty-nine," Snape said walking down the isle to the front. "You have two hours to complete this potion."

  "Got get the ingredients," I told Neville as I started to set of the cauldron. All through class I could feel several sets of eyes on me but I ignored them until I looked up to see Snape was staring at me with a curious but closed off expression.

  "Harry," Neville said and I looked at him. "It ready for the last ingredient."

  "Right," I nodded adding the phoenix feather and slowly mixed the potion together watching it change colors. Neville started reading what the potion would look like when it is done when I heard a splash looking back at the cauldron I saw something sink I to it and the liquid turn an angry red color.

  "What's wrong?" Nev asked and I shook my head.

  "GET DOWN!" I yelled pulling Neville to the ground and covering his body with mine as the cauldron exploded and I felt something hit my head as my vision went dark.

*Neville(Badger) Longbottom*

  I coughed waving a hand in front of my face clearing the smoke as I pushed up of the ground while Hadrian fell to the side, looking down at him I gasped shaking his shoulder.

  "What happened?" I heard Professor Snape snap.

  "Professor Snape," I called worried about my friend more than my fear of him. "Harry's unconscious."

  "Merlin," he grumbled crouching down beside us looking at Hadrian's head.

  "Ow," Hadrian groaned blinking his eyes open and I handed him his glasses back. "You okay Neville?"

  "Yeah," I nodded as I eyed the thick metal piece. "Although I'm not the one that got hit in the head with a piece of metal cauldron."

  "Potter what happened," Snape demanded and I just jumped having forgotten he was there.

  "I don't know sir," Hadrian said looking up at Snape. "I heard a splash and when I looked up something was sinking into the potion, when it turns an angry red color I yelled get down and pulled Neville down with me."

  "Longbottom that Mr.Potter to see Madame Pomphry," Snape growled and I nodded grabbing mine and Harry's books before helping him out of the room.

  "I had a feeling this year would be bad," Hadrian said as we headed towards the hospital wing.

  "Mr.Potter what in Merlin's name happened," Madame Pomphry gasped when we stumbled into the infirmary.

  "Exploding cauldron," Hadrian shrugged sliding up on one of the cots. "I have a new record first day of classes and I already in the infirmary."

  "Let's not make it a habit," Madame Pomphry said she waved her wand before nodded and walking off.

  "Are you going to meet up with Hermione?" I asked looking around the infirmary taking in the few first years that were in here.

  "Yes, something in her tone sounded like she was scared and confused. So after we get out of here I'm going to the astronomy tower."

  "I'm going with you," I said and he smiled.

  "Take this," Madame Pomphry said handing Hadrian a small potions bottle. "It will help with the headache and concussion, I suggest no hard activities for the rest of the day."

  "Thanks Poppy," Hadrian smiled downing the potion and I helped him stand. "Let's go Neville."

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