📃Chapter Forty-Six

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After collecting Albus's soul I shadow-walked to my office and when I arrived I noticed I had three souls. Startled I separated them and realized that James Potter-Gaunt soul was the second one and a small innocent soul was interlocked with James's soul and I gasped realizing what kind of soul it was. Cursing silently I locked Albus's soul in one of the soul crystals before taking the other two souls and arriving back at Hogwarts and I winced when I heard Tom crying over his dead bonded.

"Hadrian," I said and he looked up and I saw his broken eyes. "Please, come with me."

"What is it?" he asked and I sighed wrapping my arms around him in a quick hug before I stepped back and I pulled the crystal ball that had the two interlocked souls in it out of my robes and I held it out for him to see.

"I didn't realize I had it until a few minutes ago," I explained and he stared at before his eyes went wide.

"Kill, is that what I think it is?" he asked reaching a handout and running his fingers against the souls and the glowed a blue color.

"Yes," I said.

"I'm gonna kill that fool again," he snarled and I grabbed his wrist with my free hand.

"Hadrian, there is a way to save them both," I said and he froze staring up at me.

"How?" he asked.

  "A replacement soul," I said and he nodded before snapping his fingers.

  "What about that one soul spell," he asked and I looked at him confused. "The one that will divide a persons soul."

  "Horcrux?" I asked.

  "No," he shook his head and a book appeared in his hands. "Well in a way it's like a Horcrux but it's not. Instead of preserving part of a persons soul it kills that part of the soul."

  "Hadrian," I said after reading the spell over. "This is a banned spell because it doesn't always work, the person normally dies."

  "Killian just do the spell," Hadrian said and I sighed before saying the spell and Hadrian glowed a bright green color before it died down and I caught him just as he collapsed.


  Tom was clinging to James as he cried and Sirius was whimpering as I had my arms wrapped around his shoulder as I listen to everyone crying but I suddenly heard a heartbeat. Gasping I released Sirius and crouched down beside Tom and checked for James's pulse and I found it and I sighed in relief as he jerked blinking his eyes open.

  "He's alive," I smiled just as he passed out.

  "Take him to the infirmary," someone said and I looked up paling when I saw Killian holding Hadrian who was unconscious. 

  "Hadrian," Selina gasped and everyone looked up. "What happened?"

  "He used an old spell to save James," Killian said before he started walking towards the stairs. A few minutes later we were all in the infirmary with Poppy fussing over James while Killian ran his hands through Hadrian's hair and gently petted the kitten ears that were now showing.

*James(Prongs)Potter Gaunt*

  I felt arms wrapped tightly around me and I could hear people talking, gasping I blinked my eyes open and looked around noticing I was in the infirmary at Hogwarts.

  "James?" someone whispered and I turned my head and I found myself staring into familiar red eyes. 

  "Hi," I mumbled before gasping and sitting up scanning the room for Hadrian finding him asleep on a cot with Killian wrapped around him.

  "Easy," Tom said and I leaned into him.

  "What happened?" I asked confused on what happened after I saw Albus throw a spell at Hadrian.

  "You took a killing curse that was aimed for Hadrian," Tom said and his arms tightened around me. "You were dead, I thought I had lost you for real this time."

  "Then how am I alive?" I asked confused.

  "Hadrian saved you," Killian said and I jumped startled as I looked at him. "He used a spell that split his soul in half and the part of his soul that was taken took your place in death."

  "Is he..."

  "He should be fine but it mostly just waiting to see when he will wake up," Killian said. "Also congratulations on the newest Gaunt child that will be gracing your family in a little over seven months."

  "What?" I asked confused.

  "Your pregnant James," Poppy said walking over to us. "As are Selina and Hadrian, the three of you are all expecting twins."

  "Shout it out to the world why don't you Poppy," someone chuckled and I jumped looking at Hadrian as he sat up.

  "Yes well, you already knew you were expecting and yet you went on a suicide mission to end Albus," Poppy said and Hadrian shrugged. "Oh, and Ronald Weasley has been admitted to St.Mungos because he has been deemed insane."

  "Wait," Killian said standing up. "You knew you were pregnant and you still used that spell knowing that there was a chance you could die."

  "Yes," Hadrian said looking up at Killian with big puppy dog eyes as Killian glared down at him.

  "No more forbidden spells for you," Killian sighed defeatedly and everyone laughed.

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