📃Chapter Nine

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  I gasped sitting up when I heard a scream and I immediately recognized it so I hit the floor running towards the voices I heard from down the stairs, sliding to a stop in the doorway I could see people standing around Badger and Kitty as they held Phoenix.

  "Move," I growled shoving Draco out of the way and knelt down in front on Phoenix finally able to hear what she was mumbling.

"The grim will reap chaos on the true dark lord that wronged him." she kept mumbling and I silently cursed.

  "Pheonix," I said with the command in my voice. "Snap out of it."

  "Why is my daughter screaming," I heard Redolphous demand and someone touched my shoulder, tensing I snarled spinning around and shoving the person back.

  "Not good," Badger muttered behind me and I growled lowly when more people piled into the the room.

  "Cub?" Remus said slowing walking in front of me. "Calm down no one here is going to hurt you."

  "Badger, Pheonix, and I are safe. We're all safe." Kitty said said placing a hand on my shoulder and I relaxed some but still kept an weary eye on them.

  "Cub, you need to calm down you are still healing from the damage done to you're body." Remus said giving me a pained look and I looked down and realizing I was only in a pair of track pants, my glamour was removed and everyone could see the scars, gashes and carved words that littered my body.

  "Mother fuck," I cursed.

  "You're muggle is showing," Badger said and I laughed turning towards him. "Just saying."

  "Bug off Badger," I glared half-heartedly.

  "Same to you Chaos," he smirked rubbing Phoenix's shoulders as she stared off into her own world.

  "Would you two cut it out," Kitty snapped. "In case you've forgotten we are in a room filled with people who have tried to murder us on several occasions."

  "Sorry Kitty," I smiled just as my legs buckled and I landed on the ground groaning.

  "Cub," Remus gasped dropping down on the floor beside me.

  "Mooney," I sighed giving him a bored look. "If you even think about offering me chocolate I will wack you in the head."

  "You should still be in bed," he said picking me up. "I don't know how you were about to walk around without limping or showing any pain with as bad as you're injuries were."

   "I'm used to the pain," I grumbled and Mooney dropped me on the couch.

  "Hey," I growled glaring up at him. "Rude."

  "Here Chaos," Kitty smiled handing me a jacket that I quickly slipped on and zipped close.

   "Thanks," I smiled getting comfortable pulling her down beside me on the couch.

*Tom(Bascalis​k)Marvollo Riddle Gaunt*

  I watch slightly amused at the interactions of Hadrian and the Inner Circle/Elite members, until I got a good look at the damage done to my son because of what Albus and those muggles did to him.

  "Frenrie, got to Gringotts and tell Ragnook to come here." I told the wolf as I pulled him to the side.

  "Yes my lord," he nodded and apparated on the spot.

  "What creature are you?" Draco asked just as I walked back into the room.

  "Half Neko and animagi," Hadrian shrugged snuggling closer to the female he had in his lap. "Went through the first part of my creature inheritance and found out that I've been lied to and used since Albus killed Aunty Lily and Dad. Not that it was a big shocker."

  "Lord Riddle," I turned to see Ragnook and Frenrie standing behind me.

  "Yes," I said emotionaless. "I want to know all of Hadrian's medical history and any blocks, spells, hexes, and spells that have been used on him. There are few other people that want this done as well."

  "Of course," the goblin nodded and walked in the room startling almost every one there except for the four teens sitting on the couch.

  "Young Lord Gaunt," the goblin said and Hadrian smiled.

  "Ragnook, what are you doing here?"

  "He's getting the rest of the paperwork on you done," I said walking in.

  "Those who wish to be there may come," the goblin said walking over to the fireplace. "Mr.Guant if you and you're pack will follow me we will get started."

  "Sure," Hadrian smirked standing up after a resounding pop he was in a different set of clothes.


  I stood up and muttered a simple spell that changed my track pants and jumper in black skinny jeans, emerald green t-shirt, and black combat boots, also a black beanie covering my ears.

  "Dear Merlin he's a mini Sirius," I heard Remus mutter and I winced remembering that Siri wasn't ​here, before I pushed Nev, Luna and Mione into the fireplace with Ragnook, not looking up as we flooed to a private room at Gringotts

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  "Dear Merlin he's a mini Sirius," I heard Remus mutter and I winced remembering that Siri wasn't ​here, before I pushed Nev, Luna and Mione into the fireplace with Ragnook, not looking up as we flooed to a private room at Gringotts.

  "I will return," Ragnook said walking towards the door.

  "You okay Chaos?" Nev asked and I shrugged.

  "Mooney said I was a mini Sirius it just reminded me that Siri isn't here," I whispered and dropped down on the couch and Mione sat beside me resting her head on my shoulders while Neville stood behind us and more people poured out of the floo system. After everyone was seated and we were waiting for Ragnook to come I finally took a good look at everyone in the room. Lucious sat on the couch with Narcissa in his lap beside Lysander and Bellatrix, Draco sat between them, Severus sat in a chair beside Tom and Frenrie had his arms wrapped around Remus as he leaned against the wall.

  Ragnook came back into the room and I felt wards go up around the room as he walked over to the table with a stack of papers, "I assume that everyone here wants to know if there are or ever have been any unwanted magic on you."

  "Yes," most of the adults said and I shook my head.


Please don't kill me. I realize I left the last chapter on a bed cliffhanger and haven't updated in a while, so I hope this makes up for it.

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