📃Chapter Forty-Four

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{Note: I'm just going to point out that when I asked for torture ideas it was just so I could get some help but the ideas that you people gave me...TERRIFIED ME TO NO END! I read the ideas to my sister and she was laughing but jeesh people you are terrifying and I never want to be on the wrong side of you.
Anyways back to the story.}

*Tom(Basilisk)Marvollo Riddle Gaunt*

  After being pulled into the memory I looked around and noticed that this wasn't a normal one, all of us were standing in some sort of room and there was a red screen revealed on one of the walls. 

  "Where are we?" James asked.

  "M-memory r-room," Selina stuttered and Draco wrapped his arms around her.

  "What's a memory room?" Sirius asked.

  "It's a memory that was forcefully taken from someone so they don't feel guilty over something they did," Selina explained still looking deathly pale. "If anyone is to look at that certain memory then you will end up in a white room that has a red veil screen. You can't escape the memory until it is done playing."

  "Oh," Sirius said. "How do you know this?"

  "Books," she whispered and the red veil started shifting as the memory started playing.


  "One year," a young black haired teen growled as he stormed through the forbidden forest. "One bloody fucking year. But no, every bloody damn year I get pushed into a life or death situation and what does everyone do...THEY BLAME IT ON ME! I'm fourteen I shouldn't be in this damned tournament that I didn't even put my name in."

  The teen let out an angry scream and pulled his wand out casting a wordless spell and a second later there were several big trees laid out on the ground. Snarling the teen kept casting spells hitting anything he could until a girl...no woman appeared.

  "Who the bloody freaking hell are you?" the teen demanded as he glared haughtily at the woman. 

  "Calm down Hadrian," the woman said softly. "You're going to hurt yourself or one of the other creatures that live here."

 "Why should I care?" he snarled. "No one cares about me so why should I care about anyone else."

  "That is not true, child," the woman said. "You have people that care they just need to be found."

  "Yeah right," Hadrian barked angrily. "My parents are dead, my aunt and uncle beat me into submission, Albus Fucking Dumbledore sends me until situations that nearly kill me, my so-called friends are pissed at me because I'm being forced into the stupid adult tournament that will more than likely kill me, I have a bloody mad-man out for my head because I survived a curse that should have killed me, my fucking potions professor that I trust to no end accuses me of being exactly like my father you I found out was a bloody fuckling bully who made him called his best friend...his only friend a mudblood. Oh, and let's not forget my godfathers Sirius and Remus, Sirus is a convicted on the run who I would be much safe with than I am with my muggle family, and Remus promised we'd keep in touch but I haven't heard one word from him since the end of last school year...FIVE DAMN MONTHS AND NOTHING!"

  "Hadrian," the woman started but didn't get to finish as a blue light came from the end of Hadrian's wand and the woman disappeared but where she had been standing the ground was now ash.

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