📃Chapter Twenty Nine

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  I have spent the last two days at Godrics Hollow with the two recently sanity restored adults explaining what Albus has done since they were tortured by Bella, and they were angry and automatically agreed to go the the ministry and explain their part of the story when the time comes. It was now two o'clock on chrismas morning when I apparated us to Gaunt Manor knowing my friends would be there until the beginning of the new school semester.

  "You can get some rest in my room," I said looking up at them. "I'm going to the library for a few hours."

  "We'll stay with you," my second godmother said and I nodded leading them to the library. "Are you looking for something specific?"

  "Not at the moment," I shrugged walking to the forbidden section. "I'm just trying to find a spell was used on Lily and James so I want to know what it is. It made it look like they had died when they are still alive but on every document."

  "Albus has caused a lot of trouble," her husband said flipping through a dark arts potions book.

  "Tell me about it," I muttered scanning the dark arts forbidden spells book. "I've nearly died every year since I was eleven and tried to kill Tom because of him."

  "Master Hadrian, Kit was told to fetch yous for holiday morning." Kit the small house elf said popping in.

  "Thank you Kit, you can go." I nodded at her before casting a tempus noticing that it had bee several hours, smiling I turned to the two adults, "Ready to give your son the best present ever?"

  "I want to see my baby," godmother squealed jumping up.

  "Just wait for my signal," I chuckled walking down the stairs and into the parlor. "Morning."

  "Where have you been cub?" Remus asked as I scanned the faces noting that Bellatrix, Lysander, Lucius, Narcissa, Ren, Moony, Padfoot, Prongs, Tom, Severus, Lily, Fred, George, Draco, and Selina as I walked over to Neville and Luna.

  "Busy," I shrugged. "Nev, can you stand up for a minute."

  "What is it?" he asked confused and I smiled shaking my head.

  "I know there's been one thing you've wanted but it wasn't possible until recently," I said and he gave me a confused look. "I found a potion while looking through Salazzar's library and figured it couldn't hurt to try it and I experimented before hand so I knew it would work. Also don't pass out."

  "Hadrian?" Draco said and I waved him off.

  "You can come in," I said loudly stepping to the side and watched as several expressions passed through his eyes. 

  "M-mum? D-dad? What...How...Your?" Nev stumbled over his words and I rolled my eyes pushing him there direction.

  "Hug them already Badger," I huffed playfully know that he was in shock and I turned pulling three wands out of my boot and tossing them at James, Lily, and Padfoot. "I think those belong to you, I found them in boxes with you're names on them. Ministry security is horrid by the way and has been the last few times I've been there."

  "I'll bring that up to the minister," Lucious chuckled shaking his head. "Anymore surprises?"

  "Just one," I smirked. "But that's going to wait until we go back to school cause I want to see Albus's face.

  "Why do I have a bad feeling about that?" Selina asked.

  "You tell me time turner girl," I smirked and she glared. "It'll be funny and it part of my plan to take down that meddling fool. Dobby!"

  "Yes Mr.Hadrian Gaunt, you called for Dobby." the free elf said popping in. "What can Dobby do to help Mr.Hadrian Gaunt?"

  "Deliver this note to Ron but don't let him see you," I said and he nodded popping back out. 

  "That elf is crazy," Selina said.

  "That's why he's helpful," I shrugged dropping down beside her. "Besides I don't know many house elves that would disobey their master to save someone their trying to kill."

  "WHAT?!" James and Lilly yelled.

  "Who tried to kill you and who was that elf's master?" James asked and I heard Lucious curse under his breath.

  "Well second year Uncle Luc gave the weasel brat Tom's horcrux diary and it possessed her to set an sixty foot bascalisk free," I said then looked at Lucius innocently. "Uncle Luc why did you try to kill me second year, I just wanted my second favorite Uncle to love me?"

  "Cheeky brat," he growled only to cry out when someone threw a hex at him. 

  "I can't believe you gave an eleven year old a diary doused in dark magic," Lily said shaking her head.

  "THEY DID WHAT?!" Frank yelled startling everyone. "I'm going to kill him and disown that woman."

  "What's wrong?" James asked and Neville looked at me.

  "Don't look at me," I said standing up. "I'm not dealing with upset parents that's everyone else's job. I deal with enough as it is, especially with Albus, the flaming chickens, Killian, and Chaos Crew. Oh and Ginny."

  "What's Ginny doing now?" George asked.

  "She sent me a love letter doused in amortentia yesterday."

  "They are so getting pranked," Fred said.

  "We going back for NEWTs?" George asked and Fred smirked. 

  "Minnie is going to have a heart attack," Selina said and I laughed. "Anyway isn't this supposed to me a family holiday and we haven't talked about anything but our screwed up school life and the plan to take down Albus."

  "No more talk about business," James said. "This is our official second family christmas so let  us enjoy it. Business can wait until tomorrow."

  "Exactly," several people agreed and I smiled going and sitting between my parents resting my head on James shoulder humming at the peace and happiness that was floating through the air.

*James(Prongs)Potter Gaunt*

  I smiled contently running a hand through Hadrian's hair as he slept on the couch, and the other children conversed with their parents as they exiting the parlor room.

  "Happy," Tom asked softly.

  "Very," I smiled moving away from the couch after laying a blanket over my son. 

  "Lets go to bed you can talk with him tomorrow," Tom smiled wrapping me in a hug as he apparated us to our bedroom. Several hours later I was startled awake and for some reason had the urge to check on Hadrian but when I got to the parlor room he wasn't on the couch, confused I started looking around the house and found him in Tom's training room staring at the damage and Hadrian in the middle of the room on his knees crying. 

  "Hadrian?" I said softly my heart breaking at the cries coming from him. 

  "I'm sorry," he gasped shuffling back when I placed a hand on his shoulder. "I didn't mean too. Please don't hurt me."

  "I'm not going to hurt you," I said my voice cracking. "Its okay Hadrian. Your okay."

  Hadrian whimpered before crawling over to me and shoving his head into my chest crying and I wrapped him in a tight hug apparating us to his bedroom and pulling his comforter over us running a hand through his hair listening to his cries quiet down. After awhile I went to move back some and Hadrian cried out wrapping his arms around my waist tightly whimpering for me not to let go and I immediately shushed him humming the lullaby Lily taught me when I found out I was pregnant with him and he quieted down again and soon after I fell asleep.

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