Chapter 13 - Only the One Named, Scarlett

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(Carter's POV)

"When are you going back home?" I asked Scarlett after she got settled into the passenger seat in my truck.

I had to do something to kill the silence.

She shrugged as if she hadn't made up her mind.

"Actually, I was going to have you drop me off there after we are done at the gym."

I smiled at the fact that she was pretty much ok'd me to do something without asking.

I'd do it too.

"That's cool." I nodded.

We pulled up to the gym several minutes later.

When we walked inside, we split to go to the proper locker rooms.

As soon as I was finished changing from my street clothes into my workout clothes, consisting on black sweats, no shirt, and Nikes, I exited the locker room.

Scar was already waiting outside in her tight short shorts and a white tank top matching with her pink and white Nikes.

I would be lying if I said she didn't look edible...

"About time." She sassed, walking up to me.

I just smirked. "Follow me, angel."

Grabbing the correct equipment on the way to the ring, Coach stopped me.

"KC!" He called to me, pulling me to the side.

I looked back at Scar apologetic.

"I'll wait for you in the ring." She gave me a small smile and nod.

Fucking Coach..

"Yeah?" I asked him, trying not to sound irritated that he dragged me away from my time with Scar.

He chuckled.

He knew I was bothered.

I rolled my eyes as he leaned in, his mouth close to my ear. He wasn't as tall as me so I had to lean down a bit.

He usually only did this shit when he had to tell me something important.

He use to always whisper tips to me in the ring, he never shouted like other coaches did.

"Ty has been by here a lot lately." He let out a low gruff. Coach wasn't happy to hear about or see Tyler and neither was I. "He's been very persistent in finding you."

All my muscles tensed up.

"Tell him that he should give up because nothing has changed." I growled before stalking away.

It's crazy how some people just don't give up.


"Everything okay?" Scar asked me as I climbed inside of the ring.

I began to take out the equipment that we would need in this workout session.

I shrugged roughly, not meeting her eyes even though I could feel her burning a hole in my back with her stare.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I let out, sharply.

Even though every nerve in my body was on fire with hatred, I wasn't gonna let Scar know how fucked up I felt.

"Okaaaay." She added awkwardly.

"Gloves." I gestured her over to me.

She slowly walked towards me, on guard. Holding out her hands to me, I slipped the gloves on them.

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