Chapter 17 - You Don't Owe Me Shit

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(Carter's POV)

"Man, are you ready yet?" I asked Lyle through his bathroom door. "I want to see Scar."

Am I whining?

"Dude, stop whining." He called back with a laugh. "I just want to look good."

Lyle was literally taking forever to get ready for this double date that we are having with Scar and Paisley. I guess he thinks that he needs to look perfect, but we are only going to grab something to eat it, nothing special.

"You already look good, bestie." I faked a preppy girl voice making him laugh.

We were at his house because it was closer to where we had to go and plus the place we are going is in Manhattan.

"Are you and Paisley official now?" I asked him, walking circles around his room.

His room was already sparkling clean, but that's only because of his maid. If it weren't for her I think his room would be an endless dirty pit, he throws everything on the floor.

If it was possible I think he would throw the floor on the floor.

It took him awhile to answer. "Not yet, but there is a Halloween dance at school that is coming up. I want to ask her." He called to me through the door. "And maybe ask her to be my girlfriend."

"Really, on Halloween?" I cautioned.

I heard him unlock the door, opening it up. "Well, the dance is not exactly on Halloween, I think it's before then." He shrugged.

I took a look at he's outfit to see what was so special about it. And there was nothing, he wore a pair of black fitted jeans and a white button down shirt that was folded up at the elbows.

"Typical Lyle outfit." I told him, holding out my arms toward him. "What's so special?"

He shrugged again, slipping on his coat. "I don't know."

We left a little bit after that, in his car because he picked me up from my place. Scarlett was spending the night at Paisley's house over the weekend so we only had to go to one place.

It's been almost a week since my fight, tonight being Friday night.

I finally moved in my new place, thanks to Lyle and Scar for helping. Lanelle now has her own room with her own bed and bathroom and it felt nice to spread out. She deserved it anyhow and was so excited about it.

She has still been spending time with her father, which is great for her. I'm happy if she is happy, but I still miss her a lot.

I wouldn't mind if she got really close to her dad and decided to move in with him and his family. That is her father and I would want her to be happy if that is what she decides. I would never dream of standing in the way of that.

Of course I'll miss her, but I want what she wants and I want what's best for her.

I've gotten a chance to sit down with Lance a couple of times. I need to know what type of guy he is before I let Lanie go anywhere with him.

Especially considering how her mother is, I didn't want the same situation with her father.

"Hey, where's Lanie?" Lyle asked me out of nowhere.

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