Chapter 14 - Hi

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(Scarlett's POV)

I reluctantly unlocked my front door and opened it up, walking over the threshold I sighed at my view. A dirty house, but with no one in sight. I didn't hear a sound as I closed and locked the door behind me.

I sighed again, at my life.

I sighed at the challenges I was left to face alone by my biological parents. Selfish bastards.

I had already slipped my phone in my backpack to hide it from everyone. If they found out that I had a cellphone they would all flip out.

Especially, Rebecca.

She tries to take everything that I get and then some...

I hauled my things up the stairs and headed straight for my room.

I was surprised to find the rest of the house completely empty and silent.

I love it.

This rarely happens, but when it does it's like finding a unicorn; rare and exciting.

Opening the room door I shared with Becca, I stomped in, closing the door behind me. I immediately looked at my bed, kicked off my shoes and jumped in it. The old rusty springs complained underneath me, bouncing me around a bit before settling.

I laid on my back staring up at the ceiling and accidentally began to think of him...


The guy I might be in love with ...

The lies I told him ran over in my head a millions time. How I told him that I'm too young for him and I could never be with him, that this could never work.

I lied.

The truth is that it could work. Age is only a number when it comes to Kyson, none of that bothers me. I want nothing more than to have him take me in his arms and take me away from this nightmare of a life I live.

I want to move in with him, sleep every night in his beautiful smelling, comfy bed as he lays next to me running his finger through my hair. I want to spend the rest of my life staring into his big, chocolate browns eyes.

I want him to kiss me goodnight on my forehead every night with his soft and perfectly lips.

His perfect lips...

Not that I would know what imperfect lips feel like, Kyson was my first real kiss. And his lips were so perfect as they were working up against mine.

Soft, yet strong.

He broke my body down completely as I was pudy in his hands. But I didn't mind, in that moment I would have done anything and everything he wanted.

He burned me up from the inside out and I'm still feeling the aftermath of the fire.

I have never felt something so strong and so real.

I will never compare Kyson with what Ivan did to me, he stole everything from me. He stole my innocence. He stole the only gift that is ever sacred to a girl, he stole my virginity. And I hate him for it. I hate the memories of it, and I hate that he can have so much control over me in that way.

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