Chapter 15 - Our Rematch

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(Carter's POV)

Scarlett ...

I swear she is the first person that I think about when I wake up and the last person I think about before I go to sleep.

Fuck, what am I saying!

That girl runs through my thoughts every second of the day. Even if I tried, I can't shake this girl.

I just wish she would open up to me more, I want it to care for her and to show her that I care.

I told her about Kinsley the other night hoping that she would open up to me and tell me what was wrong. Which I considered, if I do say so myself, insane. She is the only human being on earth that knows anything about Kinsley besides my family and Lyle.

I could tell that she was hurt that night, and I'm pretty sure I could have threatened the truth out of her. I didn't want to do it that way. I wanted her to tell me, I want her to trust me. I hate seeing her hurt and me not knowing why.

I haven't seen Scarlett for a few days now, we have texted back and forth but that's all. She had me drop her off at Paisley's house the next day and that was the last time I saw her.

I don't think she will be going back home at all this week. She seemed pretty bothered with something that went on there.

I tried making plans with her about hanging out but every attempt I made she shut me down. I just wanted to see her, just to make sure that she was okay. But she made excuses over and over again saying that she had homework or she already had plans with his friends.

She was definitely avoiding me. For what? I'll probably never know.

Packing boxes blocked my way as I pulled myself out of bed, trudging to the bathroom to take a leak.

I had my entire studio packed and ready to move in the next few days, thanks to Lanie and Lyle for helping.

I took my sweet time, considering I was skipping class today. I didn't need to be there anyhow, the professor stated that attendance was not mandatory this week. Which works in my favor because I wanted to focus on my fight.

It's suppose to be some kid out of Staten Island, I'm not too sure. I heard he challenged me through my coach and couldn't wait for me to take this loss.

Lyle texted me yesterday about doing a little digging on my opponent and said that he would have some info for me soon.

I lounged around my apartment pretty much the entire morning. Around noon was when I finally got up and headed to the gym.

When I walked in the door my coach flanked my side, accompanying me to the men's locker room.

"Where have you been?" He asked me, patting down his hair on his semi bald head, slicking it to one side.

I rolled my eyes. "Hello to you too, Coach." I chuckled. "I've been packing. Remember I told you I'm moving this weekend?"

Arriving at the same locker I've been using for several years, I sat my bag down on the bench I turned to look at Coach.

"Doesn't ring a bell." His gold watch clinked as he waved it off, throwing his hands around in the air.

I looked at him strangely, Coach isn't one to forget anything. "Since when do you forget anything I tell you?"

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