Chapter 20 - I Find This Just A Little Creepy

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(Scarlett's POV)

I ran.

I ran until my feet hurt.

I ran until my face was frozen from the cold, frostbit even.

I ran until I couldn't run anymore.

My tears were now ice sickles super glued to my cheeks. I decided not to ditch my mask because I didn't want anyone to see my face, that and I don't think it will come off. It was filled with tears that were probably also iced to my face.

The limo had dropped me off at the subway station twenty minutes ago and I was almost home and out of the cold.

I didn't want Kyson following me when I was this embarrassed. I planned to tell him everything, but instead Priscilla's big mouth beat me to it and had the enter school laughing at me. He would have convinced me to turn back, go back inside, and face those people.

Walking up the steps to my house, I remembered the spar key under the stone by the back door.

I walked around the house through the gate, closing it behind me.

My feet screamed with every step I took, they were probably torn up and battered by now; more than likely unrecognizable.

My hands shook violently as I reached for the key and unlocked the back door. The house was pitch black and there wasn't a soul in sight.

I sighed in relief, I didn't want to express any feelings to these low life's. It not like they would even give a damn about me. The only person that actually cares about me probably doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore.

I'm nothing but a foster girl.

My own best friends betrayed...

I mean, who else would know that I'm in foster care besides them.

The school found out that I'm nothing, but a fucking poser and a liar. Trying to fit in where I don't belong was my first mistake.

I can never trust anyone, everybody ends up letting me down.

I walked passed the kitchen about to head upstairs when the living room light comes on. I stopped in my tracks to see Ivan sitting on the couch with a beer bottle in hand.

He eyed me heavily. "Enjoy the ball?"

How did he know anything about the ball tonight?

I cleared my throat. "How do you know about anything?" I asked him, my teeth chattering.

I really didn't have time to talk with Ivan, my feet were dying fast and my ice cold skin needed heating severely.

"Who do you think orchestrated the big reveal?" He chuckled, humorlessly. He stood up from his spot on the couch and begin to walk over to me.

"You planned this with Priscilla?" I gasped in shock.

How does he even know her?

He nodded with a smirk. "Guilty."

"How do you even know her?" I asked him, curiously as I begin taking steps back from him.

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