Chapter 23 - Hey, Slugger

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(Kyson's POV)

It's been three days since the Christmas Party and I still can't wrap my head around what went down.

First off, Destiny and I are definitely not getting married anymore, not that we were before. She was told by her parents and mine that the entire thing is off. Apparently, the arranged marriage was set in place when Destiny found my dad and Keema kissing in the kitchen when we were younger.

So, my parents lied when they said the this was made up before we were born.

Destiny's parent wanted her daughter to marry into a rich family, who they knew would have money for years to come. So, they pretty much blackmailed my parents into having them sign me over to keep Destiny quiet. And the only reason my parents agreed was because when all this came into the open they had personas to uphold, and one of them were a happy family.

Destiny kept quiet and her parents made sure of that until the Christmas Party where she got too fucking drunk and outed my family's business for everyone to know.

I hate that bitch even more than I did before.

Davina didn't deserve that, she didn't deserve to have that shit told in front of everyone without her knowing first. She didn't deserve to know who her father was that way.

But I feel so guilty for being so happy to know that I have another sister. Davina is my sister, she has been my sister this whole time and I didn't even know.

My dad knew, Keema knew, my mom probably knew too.

My mom...

She is the reason I feel so guilty.

She looked so hurt and embarrassed at the party, she ran off in tears and I ran off after her.

I needed to know if she was okay. We may have our differences, but I would never want to see my mother hurt in that way. And I know that I should be angry at my dad, I am, kind of, but it's hard to be upset with him. He gave me another sister.

But I should be mad at him, he cheated on my mom. He had a baby with another woman around the same time mom had Kinsley. He was scum.

My mom told me that she has been over this for years, and the only reason why it upset her so much that night was because it was aired out at dinner in front of all of her friends and family in the most trashiest way. She has been staying with Dad because she didn't want to go through all the divorce shit.

But now she is.

Keema and my dad have been together for years and I never even knew.

Davina never knew.

No one knew except them three...

"I don't think you should get too big of a tree." Lyle said. "We might be the only ones putting it up." He chuckled a bit.

Lyle and I were at the store picking out a Christmas tree and decorations to surprise the girls with. I know they really wanted to help put up decorations together so I am giving them that.

I also didn't really know what to get them, so I went with $500 VISA gift cards. Well, Scar got the $500 card, I decided to get Lanie the iPhone X and a $200. I know she would be upset if she didn't have some money in her pocket.

I laughed with him. "I hope not. Scar and Lan better help."

Lyle also talked me into buying candy canes for the other girls in the home for Christmas. I thought it was stupid, but he kept reminding me that small gestures sometimes goes a long way. So, despite me thinking it was a bullshit gift, I got the candy canes.

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