Chapter 26 - Kyson Is Going To Murder You

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(Scarlett's POV)

I couldn't believe the events of my life. I thought that foster care was a bad as it gets for me, but I was wrong. Oh boy, was I wrong!

Rebecca; she was murdered.

And I honestly don't know how to feel about that. She wasn't always the nicest person to me when we lived together, but I also didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

My feelings are conflicted.

Although, my feelings didn't stop me from showing up at her funeral. The state raised enough money for her to be buried instead of cremated like they were going to do in the first place.

And all I kept thinking at her funeral was ...

Should I feel more sad than I am that Rebecca is dead? I feel bad. But I don't know why I don't feel worse about.  I'm not broken up. I didn't really know Rebecca because every time we spoke she was being rude to me; hurting my feelings and make me feel insecure about myself.

I tried to have a sister, sister relationship with her, but it would always be a slap in the face. She never liked me, at least, I don't think. She never showed that she did. I tried with her. I shouldn't feel bad. We had good moments, but the good moments never outweighed the bad ones.

If that wasn't bad enough, my boyfriend decided to show up on the doorsteps of the girls group home, drunk. I tried sneaking out to meet him, but Sandy was already awake with some of the girls who couldn't sleep having a midnight snack.

Wrong fucking move, Kyson! Especially, when you are trying to get your foster license. I wanted to get to the bottom of his drinking night. Kyson doesn't drink a lot, but when he does it always has something to do with his feelings.

That was last week, and Sandy had forbidden us to see Kyson after he left the next day.

We have only communicated with him through text, and even then, Sandy would rather we not. But the more she tries to push us not to speak to him, the more we rebel.

I don't see Sandy as the boss of me, I never seen any of my foster parents as the boss of me. I am the boss of me. No one can tell me what to do.

School was so much easier to get to now. No more subway, it was just a ride by Paise or Kenn, but usually both.

Kenn, she looked beautiful. She was just a little over four months pregnant and she was glowing. You could now see that she has a little belly bump and it's the cutest thing I have ever seen.

"I can't keep my hands off of your little belly." Paisley giggled, rubbing our best friend's tummy as she went through her locker.

Students walking passed, stared our way. "Paise, you know I hate when people look at me." Kenn whined, closing her locker.

I rolled my eyes. "Forget what they think."

"I'm pretty sure the only reason why they stare is because Nick has told them lies about me." Kenn pouted.

Nick hasn't accepted his responsibilities as a father. He was still ignoring Kenn, but the entire fucking school knew that she was pregnant before she even came back to school thanks to Nick. Most were accepting at first, but Nick decided to spend a rumor that it's not his baby; that she cheated on him with an older guy and she got pregnant.

Nick rhymes with dick.

"Kenn, forget about that dick." Paise sympathized with her. "He will get what is coming to him."

"Plus, you can always just tell his Daddy..." I trailed off with a giggle.

Kenn's parents did not take the news very well. They haven't given her a word yet, no word on her pregnancy news what-so-ever. It's making all three of us nervous.

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