Chapter 25 - It's 3AM

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(Carter's POV)


The amount of our meetings I can all count on one hand. I didn't really know her. I didn't know what to say to Scarlett regarding her death.

We went to meet up with Miss Green after finding out that she was dead.

Not just dead.

She had been murdered. Murdered a week before Christmas. It was a shame.

Apparently, the last time Scar saw Rebecca she was working on the street for Tyler as a prostitute. That's what Scar assumes was going in because she was dressed in a skimpy dress and high heels.

That's what she told the police.

She gave them Ty's description, but I know that they will never find him. And who's to say that Tyler or his guys was the one to kill Rebecca, it could have been a John.

Miss Green called Scar and explained everything to her. Scar didn't know how to accept the news, and at first she felt guilt because she knew something was up with her. She knew that something wasn't right with her situation with Tyler. But I had to explain to her that she can't help someone who does not want to be helped.

But that was a week ago.

And I have been trying to help Scarlett come to terms with everything. She doesn't know how to feel or what to feel.

On one hand, she wasn't really close to Rebecca, but on the other hand, she would never want anything bad to happen to Rebecca. That was her foster sister, they have had good moments together.

"Davina?" I called Davina's name as I walked through my dad's new place. He has purchased a penthouse house, enough room for both Keema and Davina. "Davina?"

Davina has been spending a lot more time with Dad than she had before, she, like everyone else, did not know that he was her real father.

Only my mom, Keema, and Dad knew.

My parents are divorcing.

Keema and my dad are going to try and make things work.

My mom decided to sell the house that I grew up in and purchased a two-bedroom condo.

It became more real when the "For Sale" sign was placed in the front yard of the house that carried all of my childhood memories.

"Kace?" She gave me a quick glance as I came into the room. "Hey, mom and dad are already gone."

I plopped down on the couch next to her. "I see."

She continued to play her game, but spoke. "It's weird ..." Davina trailed off. "My mama and Daddy ..."

I agree. "Same."

"How's Scar?" She asked me. Davina heard about Rebecca.

"She doesn't really know how to feel about it all." I confessed to her. "But I think that Scar feels guilty because she doesn't feel as sad as she thinks she should about what happened to Rebecca."

Davina started to allow herself to be distracted until she failed her level. "What do you mean?"

I shrugged. "From what Scar told me, Rebecca wasn't really nice to her. They had their good moments, but that was extremely rare. Rebecca was very rude and talked down to Scar with ever chance she had. She would even steal things from her."

"She doesn't sound like someone Scarlett would miss." Davina furrowed her eyebrows.

"Right." I agreed. "And Scar probably feels guilty for not being more upset about her death. She hasn't even cried, she's just been really sad."

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