Chapter 3 - They Want A Fight

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(Carter's POV)

"Yeah?" I answered my phone with a mouth full of food as I sat in the cafeteria at the college. I had just gotten out of class and was killing time by sitting down and eating. I didn't want to go home yet, there was nothing to do.

"Car, where you at?" Lyle asked through the other end of the phone. "I'm at the gym and Coach is asking for you."

Completely confused, I slowed my chewing. "What for?"

"You know what, so get your ass down here and quick because I got stuff to do afterward." He demanded of me.

I rolled my eyes at his tone. "I'll be there in an hour." I told him before hanging up.

Finishing my food, I threw away my trash and was ambushed by none other than my crazed fan, Holly. "Hey, Carter." She smiled, tossing away her wrappers.

Instead of being an ass to her like every day, I decided to be a little nicer. I had an idea that could possibly get rid of her. "Hi, Holly." I smirked at her as her brown eyebrows came together over her widened green eyes. "How's it going today?"

"Umm..." Her brain is in a spaz. "Fine, I guess." She eyed me narrowly. "Gotta finish my essay for next week, so I'm headed to the library. Care to join me?" Holly added, hesitantly.

I shook my head at her. "I can't, I gotta be somewhere right now."

"Oh." Holly nodded once before turning to walk away.

Grabbing her arm, I stopped her from leaving. "But hey, do you wanna hang out this weekend?" I asked her with my signature smile. "Maybe hit up a movie?"

She smiled, showing off her straight pearly whites. "Sure."

We exchanged phone numbers before splitting ways. I headed to the parking lot and left. I headed home to grab my gym attire and gear. On my way to the gym, I stopped off at a store to grab some more hand wraps since mine were all torn up and overused. I have been meaning to get more for a while and considering I had the time, I decided now was good.

In the store, I grabbed my wraps from the athletic aisle but headed down to grab a few things for hygiene.

Why not, I'm already here. There's no sense in coming back twice in one day.

Walking down to the body washes, I bumped arms with a dark-haired girl, she jetted passed me with her head down. Clutching her backpack for dear life as it swung off one of her shoulders, she proceeded to walk away without a word.

"Excuse you." I called after her, but she never turned around. "Bitch." I said loud enough for her to hear, stopping her dead in her tracks. Finally, earning her attention.

"Excuse me?" Her eyes narrowed in on me as she turned around. Checking out her familiar outfit, I notice that she goes to that rich kid school that Lyle goes to. Which explains her snobby attitude. "What did you just call me?"

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't fucking stutter and maybe you should watch where you're going next time."

"Fuck you, dick." She sneered, storming off to another aisle.

I honestly didn't expect her reply.

I finally found what I was looking for without the distraction of that rude spoiled brat who should watch where she walks. Leaving the aisle and heading to the front of the store I passed by a few more but stopped dead when I saw that same girl stuffing the things she had in her hands into the inside of her backpack.

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