Chapter 6 - You Hit Hard For A Girl

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(Scarlett's POV)

I never thought I'd say this, but I was glad to be away from my crazy friends.

When they dropped me off in front of my house, I nearly broke down. I was so happy. That was until I stepped in the door and realized where exactly I was. Opening the door, I had a complete change of heart when the smell of stale beer and Fritos hit my nostrils.

I missed my friends, but I didn't wanna see them again tonight. Especially Paisley, she doesn't take no for an answer. They just kept hounding me about going to this stupid Founder's Ball with her and her family, including Kennedy's family that was invited by Paisley's.

Why would I wanna go?

It's nothing but a bunch of rich folks talking all proper and eating even more properly.

I was nothing like them. I don't fit in. I'll feel exactly like I do when I'm at school, an outcast. Having nothing in common with my friends, never mind a room full of them.

I sighed, climbing the stairs of my house. When I reached the top I headed to my bedroom and pounced on my bed.

Becca was in the mirror of the dresser putting on her face, guessing she was getting ready to leave somewhere. I was hoping she was so I can get the room to myself tonight.

"What are you so doom and gloom about?" Becca asked me, popping on her gum, like always. I hate that.

Where does she even get all of this gum from anyway?

I closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than just to block her out but I already know that she'll just keep asking. "Nothing." I told her.

"Whatever." She muttered as I heard her putting away things and her cosmetic bag zip shut. "I'm going out. Don't wait up, I most likely won't come back tonight."

I shrugged with my eyes still closed. "Yeah, okay."

The sound of her footsteps began to become faint with each she took, then the bedroom door shut. When I heard it close, I knew that she was gone. Sneaking out the back door so our foster parents couldn't see her running through the yard from their window.

Minutes passed as I could feel myself start to dose off until I heard the bedroom door open and shut again, even lock.

Becca? She must have gotten busted trying to sneak out. Trevor must have chased her back into the room.

"What?" I said, my eyes still closed to the world. "Did Trevor and Helen bust you on your way out?" I asked her with a small giggle.

Silence. Not even footsteps were heard.

"Becca?" I called, opening my eyes, ready for her crocodile tears because she couldn't go out and hang out with her weird boyfriend.

But what I wasn't ready for was to see Ivan standing over me.

I gasped as his hand reached for my mouth, dodging it, I rolled over and stood to my feet on the opposite side of the bed.

Opposite from where he stood.

When I balanced on my feet well enough, it was then that I noticed his creepy little friend, Dave, he was standing in the corner. He was closest to the door.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" I nearly cried.

This can't be happening right, this can't be happening ...

No matter how much I chanted in my brain I was still here, in this position. Staring Ivan and his creepy friend in the face.

Looking for a way to escape, which my chances were of doing that, very slim. With both of them tall and strong, they could easily hold me down and shut me up without a problem.

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